Chapter 3

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A few weeks later you and sans were sitting at lunch just talking. He kept trying to make you smile he'd tell you bad jokes hoping it made you laugh. Nothing seemed to work. You were too busy playing with your necklace

"What's that?" Sans asked taking a bite of school pizza then grimmised "how do you eat this it's discussing"

You smile at the crystal on the necklace "it was my mothers..she gave it to me before she died.."

"Oh..dollface I'm so sorry.." Sans for once sounded genially concurrenced as he set his hand on top of yours Causing You to smile softly

Garrett walked over the vains in his neck looking like they were about to burst "(y/n)!" He lost his composure for a moment then took a deep breath "babygirl..can I talk to you for a sec?" He grabbed your wrist pulling you up and almost drags you to an empty class. Unknown to the both of you sans had followed after you. He knew something was up but he just couldn't figure out what it was

Garrett opened the door and practically threw you into the room "look I don't know what's gotten into your head (y/n) but you need to knock it off!"

"Garrett what are you talking abo-"

"Shut up! You know exactly what I'm talking about! That new kid! What's his name? Sam?"

"Sans. His name is sans."

He growled grabbing you by your shirt "look, I know he's flirting with you an I know you aren't doing anything to make him stop. You have a boyfriend you bitch. Everyone's gonna think I can't keep my girl with me."

"So?! Why do you care if he's flirting with me?!"

He grabbed your necklace and ripped it off you neck. "Don't you dare, talk back to me!" He growled landed a blow on your cheek causing you to stumble backwards into a desk. Garrett reached over to you grabbing you by the collar

"Garrett! Please let me go I-I" you started but the door to the room slamming against the walls cut you off

"Hey! Back off!" Sans snapped pulling your boyfriend off of you "get your hands off of her! Or I'm gonna have a great time beating the shit out of's a beautiful day outside. On days like this people like you..should be burning in hell"

Garrett laughed at the statement sans had made "oh really? And what are you gonna do?"

Sans glanced at you and smirked "this" in the blink of an eye sans rushed Garrett driving his fist into his stomach and kicking his feet out from under him. Garrett groaned getting back up to take a blow at sans but he dodged him "too slow" sans grinned flashing his gold tooth punching Garrett in the jaw kicking him in the stomach launching him back into a desk and back onto the floor. Sans strutted over to the desk jumping up onto it getting into a crouching position looking down at your wounded soon to be ex boyfriend

"So. This is what's gonna happen here pal, you'd gonna apologize to my friend. Your gonna pay to get her necklace fixed and make good as new. And the two of you are done. Do you understand. And you aren't gonna be telling anyone you left her. You'd gonna tell them she left you because your a worthless piece of shit." He looked up at you "that sound good to you dollface?"

You nodded again not sure if you could speak

"And how about you shit head?" Sans smirked nudging Garrett with his foot gaining an groan in agreement

"Good. Now.." Sans jumped off the desk, "are you okay dollface?" He asked walking over to you

"Y-yeah I- sans what are you..?" You looked at your friend questioningly as he held your chin between his forefinger and thumb turning your face so he could see where Garrett struck you.

"How many times...?" Sans muttered as he examined the bruise forming on your cheek "how many times as he hit you before..."

"U-um this is..t-the first time-"

"Don't lie to me. How many times has he done this"

"A..a few times" you looked down. Your imidient thought was to feel ashamed for even that it was happening. "I-it's my fault he-"

"Don't you say another word. Nothing that happened here was your fault understand me?"

Tears welded up in your eyes the sting in your cheek finally registering in your brain and you began to cry. Sans pulled you into a hug which suprised you because..he didn't seem like much of a hugger

"I-I'm sorry! For every time I dined something happened I just..I didn't know how to tell you" you choked out threw your tears holding onto san's coat like your life depended on it

"'s alright now. That asshole isn't Ever gonna touch you again."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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