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Chapter 5:

Tyler's POV:

My alarm wakes me up from another dreamless sleep, today the Blue Moon Pack, also known as a rogue pack, is going to be attacking the Crimson Moon Pack, it's a test to see what we would be up against if they attacked us, but now I have to get ready for school, god I hate school, the only fun part is football, gym and lunch, mmmm lunch, now I'm hungry, and before you ask, yeah vampires eat human food unlike something's you've probably heard and well I'm half vampire and half werewolf so back to getting ready for school, I take a quick shower, dry off and style my hair into a messy style, why style it, well if I don't it goes flat and we don't want that now do we.

I put on my dark blue jeans and black V neck t shirt and get my football jacket, I head down stairs and I'm greeted by my dad doing cross word puzzles, I didn't realise he was that old, I turn to see my mom cooking bacon and eggs, my favorite, I scoff it down and run to my baby, I head off to school on my Yamaha R6, my baby if you were wondering, I reach school and already the sluts are circling, they just don't understand I'm saving myself for my mate

"Hey baby, you miss me" Tiffany says trying to be seductive and leaning on my bike

"Now I have to wash my bike you got cake all over it" I say over dramatically causing everyone to laugh at Tiffany, her face is priceless, I head off to my locker, get my stuff, go off to home room then I head off to maths, my least favorite subject, that was followed by science,music, lunch, English then gym, finally gym, which means football training. It's time for gym, I put my football gear on and head to the field. An hour of training gone and it's time to go home, my wolf has been over excited today and he wont tell me why, its actually starting to get annoying, hes been howling in my head and causing a headache


When I get home I take a shower then head off to combat training, as usual I kick ass, I am the alpha and I've had combat training since I could stand, I go take another shower and get ready to go 'test' the Crimson Moon Pack, I dont see why we cant just send spies to see their fighting skills and ruthlessness, I meet up with my Beta Darren and the warriors I'm taking with me, we go over the plan, dont kill anyone unless in self defense, if someone ends up dead its on our heads, The Crimson Moon Pack will come after us, unless they dont care


We're now at the Crimson Moon Packs east border, we step over and we know they can sense we're here, then the most intoxicating scent enters my nose, I almost drool, it smells like caramel topping on vanilla ice cream mmmm, yeah yeah I'm a food kind of guy and being a werewolf gives you heightened smell so yeah, the smell is getting stronger and stronger  the more we wait here, then some pack members burst through the bushes and start to attack us, we fight back and the smell is so strong now, I finish with the pack member attacking me and see the owner of the mouthwatering scent walk over to Darren, I take action and pounce on the girl, when we touch it sent sparks through my whole body, is this why my wolf was so excited, its a shame she's in their pack, what if she's like them, ruthless and cold hearted

"MATE!!" Damian my wolf says then the words fall out of her mouth

"Mate" her voice is so angelic and soft but strong and powerful at the sametime, she will be the perfect luna, I look into her perfect aqua eyes getting lost in them until I was literally ripped away by the Alpha of the Crimson Moon Pack, we start snapping and snarling at each other until we hear a growl so fierce I was almost submitting, almost, I look to see my mate still in her human form growling at her Alpha, 'she is so sexy' I thought, the Alpha is shaken but ignores her and goes back to snapping at me I hear a growl, this time louder and fiercer, I turn my head to see my mate in her wolf form, she is midnight black with bright gold eyes, she pounces on her Alpha and rips him off me, she starts fighting her Alpha and......... winning, my mate kicking her alphas ass

"She's amazing" Damian informs me

"I know that" I say back to him

After she makes her Alpha run off the rest of the pack does except her, she goes behind a tree and comes back in a tank top and shorts, I'm already in my human for with shorts on, she comes up to me and kneels next to touching my healed skin, I supress a moan as the sparks go coursing through my body 

"What are you?"she asks, that was a rude question, its like asking a women her age "Sorry I didn't mean to sound rude." She apologizes, she's so cute when she's flustered

"It's fine I'm guessing it's because I healed so quickly, right?" I ask her

"Yeah" she says looking at the ground like its so amazing, does the ground really beat my looks, I lift her chin up so her aqua eyes are locked with mine

"You're so beautiful" I say it sweetly so I don't seem mean, she blushes at my comment and blushes a deeper red soon after "Even more beautiful when you're blushing" I comment making her an even deeper red, if possible, I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction to me "What's your name beautiful?" I ask still being sweet

"You're in danger you're still on the pack territory" she says in worried tone with the expression to match, she's so sweet

"Tell me you're name and I will leave the territory"hurt flashed through her eyes, I amy of just met her but I already want to take her in my arms and comfort her"But I will come back" I add smiling and she smiled back

"I'm Anna" She says standing up

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, I'm Tyler" I say, damn I sounded so cheesy, I stand up and add
"See you soon Anna" I then kiss her forehead, turn and run over the territory line before they regroup and come back, when we get home we shower and head to bed, tonight I did dream, I dreamt of my beautiful mate Anna

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