Time Skip: 3 months
Lay's p.o.v -
I was rubbing my belly while walking around her nursery when Suho wrapped his arms around me from behind
" Hi "
Suho: How are you?
" I'm fine "
Suho: You sure?
" Yes, now go have fun "
Suho: Ok my phone will on if you need anything call...
" I'll call you ok "
He nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving I just continued to check the nursery out before a knock came to the door
" Come in? "
The door opened to reveal everyone and the baby's
Baek: What's up!
He said loudly making Jun giggle
Tao: How you been?
" Fine, how bout you guys? "
D.O: Ready to get this baby out
We laughed at his response
Lu: When's your due date?
D.O: in 3 months I think
" 2 "
Baek: Hehe I forgot to tell most of you but I'm expecting a second child
Tao: Oh right did you find out the gender?
Baek: Yeah its a girl
All: Awwww ~
Lu: Did you guys pick out a name?
Baek: Yeah Jenny but Jen for short
" Congrats "
Xiu: I'm also expecting and it's a boy
Lu: Omg really this is your first time
Xiu: I know ~
Baek: You won't be that excited when it's time to push
Lu: Tis true
Tao: Be Lucky you don't have to do it twice
All: True!
Baek: Amen to that one, that shit was not pretty
Tao: It didn't feel pretty either
We all just laughed then moved to the kitchen cause we got hungry
Xiu's p.o.v -
As we were eating and chatting I could here screaming coming from the forest I looked around to see if anyone else heard it and they looked just as shocked as me
Lu: Should we go check it out?
Baek: Yeah but not the pregnant people just in case its dangerous
Tao: So just me and Luhan?
We nodded
Lu: Ok let's go
They said handing us the twins before leaving to go check out the screaming
Tao's p.o.v -
As we got closer to the screaming I smelt blood
" I think there being attacked? "
Lu: Smells and sounds like it
" Then we should hurry "
I said picking up my pace getting to a clearing where a girl was being attacked by another vampire I ran over to him and pushed him off while Luhan examined him
Lu: Who the hell are you?
Lyon: I'm Lyon, you are?
Lu: Non of your damn business
" She's okay for now "
I said as I gave her some of my blood
Lyon: Aww damn you ruined my meal
Lu: She's not your meal
Lyon: But she's my mate
" Doesn't mean you feed on her in the middle of the woods "
Lyon: Oh I'm sorry did I scare the baby's?
Lu: Leave now or I'll break your neck and ship you off somewhere
He said while his eyes turned red
Lyon: Alright alright I'll leave
He said as he ran into the forest Luhan turned to me
" What are we gonna do? "
Lu: Idk take her to Lay's and when she wakes up tell her leave
" Ok "
I said as I picked her up and took her back inside
Baek's p.o.v -
When I heard the screaming stop I got a little scared
" Do you think there okay? "
Lay: There fine
Xiu: Yeah they probably just killed whatever it was and our heading back now
He said as they opened the door with a girl in Tao's arms
Time Skip: An hour
Mary's p.o.v -
I woke up in a strange house with a pain in my neck
" Hello? "
Tao: Hi
" Where am I? "
Tao: Your at my friends house you passed out in front of his yard
" Are you sure? "
He nodded his head
" Ok "
I said as I got up
Tao: Are you leaving?
" Yeah I live near here "
I said as I left out the door down the street
Time Skip: after The boys came back
Xiu's p.o.v -
The boys and us were watching a movie after they came back from the club
" How was it? "
Chen: Fine but I would have rather stayed here with you
" Aww "
Chen: Come on let's go home
He said motioning to Gi who was knocked out on my chest
" Ok "
I said as I handed her to him so I could get up
A/N: I'm gonna do a big time skip next chapter just to get this finished so I can publish the Sequel