A/N: KoruKen is so cute ~ I love them together almost as much as ChanBaek
Baekhyun's p.o.v -
I was sitting in my hospital bed waiting for Taemin to get here
" How much longer ~ "
Chan: He said that there was a of traffic
I got up and started pacing around the room thinking it help with the pain it did a little
" Help me get my mind off these contractions "
Chan: Ugh ok what were you going to college for?
" To be a doctor "
Chan: I wanted to be a fireman but now all I do is create the fire
I chuckled a little then walked over to where he was sitting at on the couch
" That's not necessarily true "
Chan: It is I almost burnt down a forest trying to control my powers
" Well if it helps I almost blinded myself trying to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night "
Chan: Kinda (chuckles)
I felt another contraction so I grabbed his hand and squeezed it
" Ahhhhhhh!!!! "
Chan: Breath
He said patting my back comfortingly then the door opened
Tae: Sorry I'm late Late Friday traffic is no joke
Chan: No problem
Tae: Can you lay him back down so we can do a final ultrasound?
Chan: Yeah sure
I screamed out again as Chan helped me back on the bed
" T - thank you "
He smiled at me
Tae: Ok Baek lift up your gown for me
I did what he said and watched as he applied the weird cold gel on my belly then moved the wand around
Tae: Ah your almost ready
" To push?!?! "
Tae: Yeah
" How I don't have a vagina? "
Tae: Well then how did you get pregnant?
" Anal....... Oh Hell no I'd rather you cut me open then have my ass split in two "
Tae: We can't do a C - Section because your a Vampire
" Fuck!! Fine "
Tae: And besides you'll bounce back down there
" I better "
Tae: I'll come back and do a finger check
I heard Chanyeol cough before Taemin left
" What's your problem? "
Chan: I don't feel comfortable with other dudes having their fingers up your ass even if their doctors
" I can tell him to get a female nurse to do it if your that uncomfortable with it? "
Chan: That would be much better
" Ok "
I looked at the heart monitor and watched his heart beat go up and down
Kris's p.o.v -
Tao: Hell Yeah
" Nah your not ready yet "
As soon as I said that he flipped me over
Tao: Who's not ready now?
" Me "
He nodded his head then got closer to my ear
Tao: This may be my first time having sex, but that doesn't mean take it easy on me ok Mr. Wu?
" Y - yes Peach "
Tao: Good
He started undressing in front of me making me harder by the second then did the same to me then started looking for something
" The lubes in the drawer on my side "
He reached over and grabbed it then applied it to my hard member before sliding down on it
Tao: F - fuck you might impregnate me!!!
I thrusted upward not liking the slow pace
" Would y - you mind that? "
Tao: N - no Shit!!!
I grabbed on his hips and went deeper hitting his bundle of nerves
" Did Mr. Wu hit your prostate baby? "
Tao: Y - yeah Mr. Wu g - go harder!!!!!!
I flipped us over so I was in control I was about to pull out and slam back in when I heard
Lay: O - oh Fuck Daddy ~
" Why didn't you call me that Instead Mr. Wu? "
Tao: H - how bout I call you Gege?
" T - that works "
He started fucking himself on my dick making my eyes roll back
Tao: Is this gonna make you cum?
" Y - yeah if you do it faster! "
He did do it faster I started feeling that familiar pool in my stomach until I couldn't hold back anymore
Tao: D - did you just cum?
He said as I rode my orgasm out
" Yeah "
I said pulling out
Tao: Well I didn't
" well then finish yourself off "
Tao: Fine I will pussy
He said stomping off to the bathroom I chuckled then went into my closet and put some sweats and a short sleeve shirt on and walked downstairs
A/N: Almost there Baek hang in there, Luhan, Tao? Your next lol Luhan's will be easier but more recovery time