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So as the sixteen year old me got into shape, and yeah, this time I mean real shape, as in college and a side job to go with it, I started studying travel and aviation, whilst working at Chiquito the Mexican restaurant. Yep, and this sounds all very well and appealing but, I haven't even bloody started yet.

College was quite interesting, however quickly I decided stress-wise that I wouldn't  return the year after. Anyway, quite a disfunctional college I appeared to have signed up to, when realising that we had a tutor with messy, sweaty hair, a tutor who was big and Australian, and a maths tutor, who was Indian and we could barely understand due to accent come on, the words "chicken tikka" and "weyaye man" have nothing In common. And oh, not to mention a tutor with a lisp too, and by the way no disrespect or criticism because I loved them all, but just saying, they were clearly main targets for the misbehaving ones.

Jays joyful life of MOAN!NGWhere stories live. Discover now