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Jungkook stares at the white door in front of him, supporting the fairly large box in his hands, trying to hold it in a somewhat comfortable way.
Taehyung said he left something in the car so he ran back down to the parking lot, he also told Jungkook to just walk in and gave him the key card, but even with consent he doesn't want to be intrusive.

"Hey" Jungkook hears someone. He turns his head to his left to see a boy with a gentle heart shaped smile walking up to him. "Moving in?" He tilts his head in question. "I didn't know Taehyung moved out"

"O-oh uhm" Jungkook stutters, feeling weirdly shy "Yeah I'm moving in, but with Taehyung hyung"

"Ahh" the other smiles "Well nice to meet you, I'm Hoseok" he bows slightly.

"Jungkook, nice meeting you too" Jungkook bows, forgetting about the box in his hands and dropping it in the process. "Shit" he mumbles, dropping to his knees to pick up some of the clothes that fell out.

Hoseok gives a small laugh before joining Jungkook on the floor, he picks up one of Jungkook's hoodies and his eyes widen "You went to Seoul art's school?" He asks, eyeing the familiar logo on the black hoodie.
Jungkook looks up "Oh... Yea but that was four years ago" he says.

"I go there now" the other smiles "What's your talent?"

Jungkook goes back to picking the clothes up "Singing or dancing... It wasn't really a talent but something I hoped I could do, probably why I quit" He mumbles "What do you do?"

"Dance" Hoseok says "It's something I also hoped I could do, and I did it, you shouldn't give up" he smiles "It's never too late to start again, come by sometime and we could get you back on track"

Jungkook smiles up at him "I'll think about it"

They finish putting everything back in the box in silence. Hoseok grabs it and stands up, holding the box in one hand while stretching the other out to Jungkook.
The boy hesitates before grabbing his hand and pulling himself up. "Thanks" he says, taking the box from Hoseok.

"You look almost intimidating but seem really shy" Hoseok chuckles.
Jungkook presses his lips together for a moment, looking to the side before speaking up "Not really shy but more cautious around people I guess"

"I told you you could go in"

Jungkook turns around to see Taehyung walking up to them. "I...uhm, decided I'll wait for you" Jungkook explains. Taehyung just nods and smiles. He looks at Hoseok "Hey hyung"
Jungkook would lie if he said he's not shocked at Taehyung calling Hoseok 'hyung', he looks very young. And it almost disappoints him. 'How old is he?'

The other boy smiles at Taehyung "Thought you moved out for a moment"

Taehyung chuckles "If I did, who would you borrow sugar from" he jokes.
"Jungkook looks sweet enough, if he was to move in" he winks at the boy. Jungkook could feel his cheeks growing warm, and he hasn't had that feeling in ages.

Taehyung could notice the blush on Jungkook's cheeks and it's the first time he sees the younger flustered, yet it annoys him that he isn't the reason for it.

"Are you two together?" Hoseok asks out of the blue.
Jungkook's tries to answer but Taehyung beats him to it "No, just friends" he laughs.
And there's something in the way he says it that pains the younger.

Hoseok laughs "Ah sorry, I just thought that because he's moving in" he explains "I'll get going, bye Tae" he waves at Taehyung. "It was really nice meeting you Jungkook, come by the studio at some point" he winks at him again before walking off.

Taehyung waves at him before taking the key card from Jungkook and opening the door "Isn't the box heavy?"
Jungkook shakes his head "It's fine"

They walk into the apartment, Jungkook sheepishly following Taehyung. "I tidied the spare room, it's completely yours now" he smiles at Jungkook, leading him to the room thats right between Taehyung's own and the sitting room.
"You need help with unpacking?"

Jungkook shakes his head "It's fine, thanks, I don't have much to unpack anyways"
Taehyung nods "Well if you need me then just call"

Jungkook puts the box down beside the wall when he hears Taehyung close the room's door. He looks around, the room is pretty big as for an apartment. It's rectangular in shape and there's a large window, reaching from almost the ceiling to the floor, right across from the door. The walls are a light grey color. There's a wardrobe on the right with a desk right beside it. The bed is on the left top corner of the room right up at the wall and a nightstand at it's side. All the furniture is a very dark grey, almost black color. Overall the room looks modern but cosy, just like the rest of the apartment.

Jungkook walks in further and turns around to see empty shelves on the same wall as the door, also black.
He turns back to the window.
'Was this a good choice...?'

Jungkook finishes with putting everything in place, he closes the wardrobe after folding the last of his clothes and steps back.
Right then theres a knock on the door and he walks up to open it, knowing who it is.

Taehyung is standing in front of him when he opens and Jungkook gets a weird feeling of happiness when he sees the older smiling down at him.
"Hungry? I made gimbap"

Jungkook decides he'll wash the dishes after the meal as a thank you, Taehyung immediately took a kitchen towel and started drying them.
"I could have done it by myself" the younger mumbles.
"Well I decided to help" is Taehyung's answer.

Jungkook could hear his new phone ring, he quickly dries his hands with a paper towel and jogs over to the device on the table. It's a private number, but he picks up nonetheless.

"Hello?" The boy says cautiously. Taehyung looks at him in curiosity, aware of how Jungkook's voice changed. He watches as Jungkook listens to the other person before abruptly pulling the device away from his ear.
Taehyung can't make out what the person is saying but he's pretty sure it's Jimin, and he's angry.
When Jimin stops shouting Jungkook brings the phone back to his ear "I know I'm sorry, I couldn't- no listen- Jimin!" He shouts. Taehyung laughs before turning back to drying the dishes.

Taking a deep breath Jungkook continues "No. I'm at Taehyung's house now, and will stay here for a while so-" he stops.

Taehyung turns around when he hears Jungkook pause, his curiosity hits in when he sees the boys cheeks turn red.

"Park Jimin I'll kick your immature ass the next time I fucking see you" Jungkook grits trough his teeth at the phone, his cheeks turning an even darker red as he turns away from Taehyung.
"Yah, watch your language" Taehyung warns, half serious.
Jungkook hears him but pretends not to.

"Yeah yeah, I'll talk to you when you grow the fuck up, bye" he hangs up, putting the phone down.

Taehyung glares at the younger "I told you to watch your language"
Jungkook sticks his tongue out in a cheeky manner.
Taehyung's glare only turns darker and Jungkook would have to agree, he looks intimidating.
"Apologize" the older demands.

"Make me"

"oh?" Taehyung takes a step forward "You'll regret this" he smirks, walking up closer. Jungkook takes a step back each time Taehyung gets closer, not paying much attention to where he's going he hits the arm rest of the sofa with his legs, falling backwards on it. Taehyung takes the opportunity and crawls on top of him, sitting on Jungkook's torso and tickling the younger.

Jungkook struggles against him, trying to push Taehyung off "No no Taehyung please!" He laughs "Tae stop I beg you" He bends his leg up, unintentionally pushing Taehyung down closer, almost too close.

Finally he manages to get a hold of Taehyung's hands, grabbing both of them in his own. The older doesn't give up, pinning Jungkook's hands above his head even though the boy is still holding them. He pauses, realizing Jungkook's laughter has stopped. Neither of them move, Jungkook not letting go of Taehyungs hands and the older not getting off. As if the game still matters.

Taehyung can't lie to himself, he knows what he wants. He wants to get a proper hold of Jungkook's wrists, pin him in place and kiss him. But he can't, and he's not going to risk it.

Jungkook feels his breathing turn uneven and a warm sensation washes through his whole body when he makes eye contact with Taehyung.
And he doesn't know whether to be glad or not for what happens next.

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