Journey For the Weapons

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Pacifica's POV

Me and Mable had went shopping, buying a few different types of Pj's it was about noon when we finished shopping so we went and got some Lunch. 

"Hey Paz?" she asked.

"Yea what is it?" I replied  sipping my Tea.

"Its About Dip" 

"What about him?" I Replied a bit unsure

"Do you like him?" she seemed a bit serious

"ummm I..." I was hesitant to answer, I to be honest i've had a bit of a small crush on him after Ghost attacked at the mansion...Dipper made me realize i'm more then a Tool for my parents...


I Fliniched a bit at her out burst, glancing over to her "Pacifica...please...I want you to tell me, its not because I'm going to tell Dipper, its because...I want him to Date you." she was focusing her Vision on me.

"Y-yes..."I replied lightly blushing

Her Serious Face quickly changed to one of Joy "GOOD!, I dont want anyone using by Bro bro or anything!"

"Has someone Use Dipper before?" I got a bit curious 

"Almost once..." she started, but then her Phone started ringing, "Yellow-, Oh hey Bro bro....Oh Oh ok!" she began to talk.

"Mabel everything ok?" I abit worried.

"Dip Says he wants us to meet him in the Clothing story down town" she glanced up putting her phone away.

"Wait a minute, he should still be resting" I Stated a bit annoyed

"Your worried for him, you two are soooo  cute!" she Squealed in joy

"Mabs! I- HMPH" I was getting flustered.  "Lets just go meet Dipper!" I was just hoping she stop teasing me about liking him.


Twenty Minutes Later, Dippers Pov

I pacing in the back in of the clothing store thinking about what bill said and about Max. "What am i going to do" I thought quietly to myself still pacing until i bumped in to something

"Ugh.."I Groaned siting up

"S-sorry abou-, Dipper?"

I Looked up to see it was Marie, she looked a bit nervous 

"I Hey marie, what brings you here?" i tried to act normal, well...atleast not suspicious 

"Just looking for Max" She seemed a bit worried. 

"Something Wrong?" I replied.

"Y-yea just need to find him, i shouldn't waste time hehe" she Zig-zaged her way through the cloths, leaving.

"Strange..." I commented to myself 

"Hey Dipper..."

I yelp liked a Scared puppy. 

"Hahaha Sorry Bro bro didn't mean to scare you" Mable Retored 

"Not funny!" I Responded

"It was a bit funny Dipper hehe"

"Pacifica..." he commented quietly.

"H-hey.." she looked away then back with a smile " happy to see your doing ok"

"Yea, I still owe you for everything..."

"UGH  get a roo-!"

"MABLE!" Pacifica put her hand over mables mouth

"?????" I was so confused

 "ugh...Ok Dipper what did you call us for?"she Said

"Oh Right!" I got a bit more serious

Pacifica seemd to do a small screech

"The heck?"

"MABLE Did you lick my hand!!?!" she out burst

"You had your hand over my talky hole" she acted abit child- like mable

"Ok you two let me TALK! this is VERY important!" i replied

"How important like pouring Milk before the Cereal!" 

"Even worse Mabs" I implied

"H-how worse!!!" she yelled

"Cheese on Poptarts bad"

She Gasp and stand down indian style "Pacifica!,  we have to listen to whats going on!"

Pacifica on the other hand was just confused on what we where even  talking about which does make a bit of sense cause its me and mable talking about codes of Cheese-Tarts. 

"Sorry about that Paifica Twin logic" she commented

she nodded abit sitting down 

"Ok now let me get to talking, First" I took a deep breath, "I meet Bill again"

"WHAT!?!" they both blurted out 

"calm down let me finish, he explained to me about your Form/Powers- "Mable was about to say something then stop to just listen "- and how it was tied to you being around bill so much, it like radiation and messed with your DNA caused you to have increased power and the 'Cipher form', two the monster we faced in the forced was Max, Bill said that Max onced helped him but Max some how destroy the one thing Bill needed to take over the Universe, so win lose situation I guess" 

"So what do we do?" Mable asked 

"We have to find Max" I Stated

"Oh! Marie might know!" Mable suggested

"Yea, I saw her a bit before she seemed off.." I Added

Me and Mable started to talk abit more about where they could be

Pacifica's Pov 

I Just sat there thinking about things, knowing that this form really does have something to do with Bill, and Dippers cousin is involved, this is all just one big mess, I felt like crying,

"Pacifica!" Dipper shouted.

I snapped out my trance and look up at him

"Yea?" I asked shyly

"Your going to be a big part of these plan!"

I was confused again,then Dipper Grabbed my hand pulling me up, I was blushing a bit

"This stuff all involes you and Max, I dont know how much we can fix but i'll make sure this doesnt make life hard for you". 

I was a cherry smiling happy he said that,

"Hey Dip whys your palm glowing?" Mable question.

Dipper let go of my hand Sadly

"Odd...Guys I have a odd feeling but grab my hands!" he uttered

Mable grabbed Dippers right hand and I grabbed his left

"OK here we go!!!"

"W-Whoa!" Mable giggle. " this kinda tickles"

we all where covered in some glowing light and then ingulfed by

a bright yellow one.


Arthur talk: 

Sorry i cut the chapter so short guys but i'm having a bit of a writes block on gravity falls, probably cause of the work i've been having to do at school sadly plus my Exams are coming close so alot to think about 

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