We Are Pines!

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Bill had just changed form, this becoming the final showdown for Dipper and friends

Bill's new form was intimidating but didn't phase any of the group, soon the area fell silent as the air became heavy with anticipation, as the clouds over head started to darken in colorization soon causing a bolts of lighting to strike in front of Dipper and friends, this signaled the beginning

Bill swiped the ground with his large claws trying to finish the battle in one simultaneously attack soon shooting off beams of energy turning everything it hits in to rubble

The Group all scattered, Susanoo and Fa both allowed Mable to equip her "DANCE YOU APES!" Bill Laughed his Villainous voice seemed to echo from every corner of the island

"Hey over here you fuckin yellow dorito!" Max shouted attached to a large leaning tree, this caused Bill to change his attention, shooting off swirling energy at Max "Your Aim's worst then my Grandmother's" Max taunted running across the ground dodging

Mable jump far in to the Air "Hey Bill!" She shouted forming a large green and blue combined attack,

"You DAMNED CHILD" Bill screeched shooting a large spiraling red beam clashing with Mable's,

Mable's Pov

I did my best to match with Bill's attack but i could feel my attack beginning to be pushed back "What do i do?!" i thought to my self

"It's alright Mable just stay strong, everyone else is getting themselves in to position " Fa Calmly stated, i knew Fa was trying to calm me down so i smile starting to give it my all

This is was the moment a lot people would be afraid but i wasn't this was exciting "I'm not going to lose to a lying jerk like you Bill!" I shouted feeling another burst of energy causing my attack to double in size

"How the HELL IS THIS HAPPENING!?" his demonic voice was covered in a bitter tone raveled with hated

"your getting Mable'd!" I heard Dipper and Pacifica shout before they appeared behind Bill, Pacifica kicked bill in the back of the knee causing him to kneel down "Curse you, you blond haired bitc-!" Bill shouted before Marie formed hitting him with a Flying kick causing him to fall back canceling out his attack while mine charged on pushing him far underground

"Mable to your Left!" I heard Susanoo shout soon a beam shot past grazing her cheek "That was close!" i though before landing beside Marie and Pacifica who where on one side of the large crater while Dipper and Max where on the other side

"Did we get him?" i asked looking towards Marie

Marie just shook her head slightly as we all prepared ourselves for the next fight "He's coming.." Marie almost seemed to whisper before a pillar of Dark energy struck the ground along with loud noises similar to screaming, it was saddening almost like someone crying out for help but i didn't have much time to think about that because was Bill burst out the crater like a rocket and started to shoot down a endless assault of energy blast

"Now i'll make my move" Marie sighed before jumping and teleporting closer and closer to Bill

"She's snap Vanishing" Max shouted starting to charge a bright red attack "When she signal's us we fire full power!"

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