Chapter Five: Discovery

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It had nearly been eight months since you started sneaking out at night. You had further bonded with all seven of your angels, but one more than the rest. Ever since your first encounter with Namjoon, you had been more drawn toward him than the other angels. There was something about him that made you smile the moment you saw his face. His kindness, his smile, laughter, and how he always managed to break the most simple things without trying. Perhaps most, his trust in you made everything different.

Every time he approached you, you felt butterflies in your chest. You couldn't help but return his smiles or join him in laughing at Taehyung's antics. You loved seeing Namjoon's deep set dimples, his curious eyes when you showed him a new movie, or how he became shy about asking you to dance with him. You felt comfortable with Namjoon taking your hand when the two of you ran away from an angry Jin, or when he would piggyback you to the gates of the mansion when you were too tired to traverse the two flights of stairs on your own.

When you were with Namjoon, you grew more and more sure that you were in love.

"Come on," Namjoon called hurriedly one night, as he led you through the now familiar corridors in the house. Soon enough, the two of you reached a door you had never entered before. The door was always locked, and you knew that there was only one key to be able to get in.

"Are you sure this is okay?" You ask cautiously as Namjoon sneakily slid the key from his shirt's breast pocket and slipped it into the keyhole.

"Trust me," was all he said, opening the door. The room was small, almost like a supply closet. When Namjoon turned the dial to the oil lamp he brought along, a shelf appeared in the back of the room, only holding a small white box.

"What's this?" you wonder, observing it from behind Namjoon.

Namjoon was the one to approach it first. "It's something we've been saving," he said, placing the oil lamp down to pick up the lid of the box and reveal a glass phial filled with shining red liquid. You stared at it. Was it a potion of some kind?

"What's it for?" Your voice slips out before you could think about your question. Namjoon bit his bottom lip.

"We're not exactly supposed to be in here unless we're sure... I mean, I know I am."

"Sure about what?"

Namjoon sighed and turned to face you. "Please don't be alarmed."

You raised your eyebrows at him. "I promise I won't..."

That was when Namjoon put down the lamp, shut the door to the room and gently grasped the back of your neck. You flinched at the contact and he moved his hand away.

"It's okay," you reassure, positive about what was about to happen. A blush rose to your cheeks when he stepped closer, returning to gently hold your neck while his other hand rested on your hip. What happened next was a lot less alarming than your first kiss.

It was soft, comforting. His lips overlapped yours, and it ended quickly. A part of you didn't want it to end, and another part of you wanted to assess his reaction. He looked at you a way you had never seen before. His eyes were full of pure affection, not with the amused twinkle you had grown used to seeing. You looked over at the white box, and then back to Namjoon. That's when the surprise really hit you. Were you in a dream?

"(Y/N)?" He asked curiously, moving his hand from your neck to your cheek. It appeared as if you hadn't said anything for a good while, or blinked. "Are you okay?"

"Um," you manage to say. You gulped and looked up at him. "Y-yeah, I'm okay. I... just... I never thought you actually... felt that way about me. I thought that you all just needed a friend."

Fallen Angels - BTS x Reader - AUWhere stories live. Discover now