Trust Quotes

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1. I don't trust words,
I trust actions

2. Never let your loyalty make a fool out of you

3. "I trust you"
Is a better compliment than
"I love you"
because you may not always trust the person that you love,
But you can always love the person that you trust 

4. Trust takes years to build
Seconds to break
And forever to repair

5. Trust is like an eraser
It gets smaller and after every mistake

6. I don't have trust issues,
I just know better

7. For every good reason there is to lie,
There is a great reason to tell the truth

8. Always trust your gut.
It's figured out what your head hasn't

9. Oh, I'm sorry
I thought you meant what you promised.
Silly Me!

10. A women with trust issues
is a women that has heard
"I promise not to hurt you"
one two many times that actions have said otherwise

Well, I do hope you enjoyed this set of quotes and until later ta-ta and see you later brotatos!

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