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"Go pack your bags" 

"Wait.......What? This is a joke, right? You cannot be serious!"

I dont usually talk to my parents like that, but the news they had just given shocked the hell out of me! They had to be joking right? of course they were..... i hope. I had such an awesome life here! I live in the Philippines. Im half spanish and half american.  My parents had a love for this country though so that figures why I was born here! Its not as bad as you hear though, there are lots of beautiful beaches and lots of wonderful places to go to but I still think that its kind of dirty in the cities; which is probably because our government doesn't inforce the laws that well. But either than that I loved it here! And now their saying that we have to move to a different country? Arguing with them was useless-as always, and once their minds was set to something I know I have no choice. Accepting what they had commanded me to do was my only choice; so I stumped up to my room. Hey, I had always wanted a fresh start right? So moving to another country and starting all over again would have been great why was it so hard for me to accept? Probably cause it came so unexpected! Im leaving in a month, and I guess that was too soon for me. I have to say good bye to my bestfriends and school mates and neighbors... with a time limit of a month. This is going to be hard. And I havent introduced myself yet!

Im Marie Rose Davis. Everybody calls me "Rose". Im 16 years old and apparently Im gonna start my sophamore year in a different country! Not weird at all right? I have dark brown,naturally tousled-looking hair that reaches the middle of my back. Its one of my favorite physical assets next to my curves and long legs so I usually wear my hair down. I have tan skin and I stand at around 5'4 feet tall (and still growing- Im only 16!) I have hazlenut colored eyes and pinkish lips. Now back to the story and let me make things clearer.

My parents just told me that we are going to move to Romania next month! Something about my dad wanting to move there and something about his job.... But its so weird! Why Romania of all places? Its not exactly your ideal "about-to-move-there" place but I have to deal with. Im kind of excited to be moving but of course I'd miss all the friends I've made here so far. Anyways let me get started packing my bag! At least its a Monday tomorrow, so that gives me a chance to break this to my bestfriend. Im still kind of worried though. I might be dead before I could even move to Romania. Whats worse is that its probably going to be my best friend who kills me.

"Yeah... so thats why I have to move"

"You cant move! I am so gonna kill you if you're gonna move! You wont even make it to your day of departure!" said Briena

"As funny as that sounds, I dont actualy think your joking; and thats what makes it so scary"

Briena Carmikel is my Bestfriend; and has been since kindergarten. She has light brown hair ,blue eyes, fair skin, and stands at 5'5 feet tall. At that, you would pretty much think all the guys would have found her hot,but no. In my school all the guys had their eyes on me. I was sort of different from all the other girls. Im the only girl they know that can beat up all of them within seconds( I know that from experience when one of the guys had tried to touched my ass in the 6th Grade) So I have their respect, I had a bigger chest than most girl and a bigger ass. They had all found me pretty and hot but i still think my best friend is a better person. 

"And you know that Id miss you too but You know how my parent are...I dont really have a choice! I gotta go start walking home; I need to finish packing up my things! Lets just have as much as we can in this last month that were actually physically together! Okay? Bye!"

"Bye! See you tomorrow! And dont forget to come early! We have to finish our Social Studies project!"

And just like that I was on my way home! Wow! A day goes by pretty fast when you're trying to find way to tell your bestfriend that you're moving. I have a feeling one month is gonna be faster than It actually is.  As soon as I got home I realized that I have a whole lot of shit to pack and this is gonna take me really long. Luckily my dad had enough mercy on me to make one of my helpers pack my stuff. All I have to do is pick the stuff I want to keep and my helper will put them into the boxes. My dad already arranged where were going to live there and stuff like that and the boxes have to be ready for shipping by this friday. By the time Im there my stuff will be waiting to be unpacked into our new house. Im not yet comfortable with saying the word "home" for our new house there. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock and thats all I hear until Im finally done packing up! It was hard to let go of some of my sentimental things but I just can't bring all the stuff I want either. And as if on cue, my mom called me to come down for dinner. Wait what? Its already 7 in the evening? I knew that just from dinner cause we always have dinner on 7. Okay I think that today was on fast forward. I dont even feel tired yet, but I am starving! Hmmmmm, I can smell the aroma of roasted lamb.... this is going to be one good scrumdiliumptious heck of a meal. When dinner was finally done I went up to my room to take a long, warm shower. Showers always helped me clear my mind. They also help me to think more clearly. Yet, as I was taking a shower I felt as If I was fogetting a detail about Romania....I couldnt tell what it was. oh right! I was moving to Bucharest, Romania. The capital city of romania. That must be what Im forgetting.......Now I can relax. There was still something bothering me though. I dont think thats what I was forgetting, Its something else. Something else more important about moving there. I can't get a grip on it! Damn it! I hate this feeling. I hate forgetting something that feels like it right at the tip of my tongue. What could it be?

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