Chapter 3

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His fingertips gently brushed my hair behind my ear and he landed a kiss on my forehead. My stomach fluttered with a million butterflies and it was just ,and only us, in the entire world. Then he started to walk away and everything went with him. The buildings started crumbling down and the ground was breaking. Somehow I know that this was my fault. I tried to go after him, but I couldn’t. My feet felt like they were nailed to the ground. I tried to reach out but it wouldn’t happen. As soon as I regained control over my body, I tried to chase after him; then I fell into a hole of light.

I woke up.

The worse feeling you can think of started flooding my stomach. I felt so empty. Why was this boy so familiar? Why did I feel like I loved him? I want to go back to sleep and try to see him again. I couldn’t recognize him but he was so familiar. I glanced at my wall clock. It read ‘8:13am Monday’. 8:13 AM?!?!?! What am I still doing in bed? It’s the first day of class! I must’ve forgotten to set the alarm.  I made a beeline to the bathroom and took a cold shower(Yes, this is a cold country and I nearly froze to death during the shower). I put on my favorite mini blue skirt, my white T-Shirt, my black leather jacket and my polkadot red keds. I ran out my bedroom and dashed down the stairs. I was greeted by the smell of bacon, my favorite breakfast food. Too bad I couldn’t waste anymore time eating. I sprinted towards the door and got stopped by a stupid question.

“Where do you think you’re going?” my mom asked.


“But I cooked your favorite breakfast meal!”

“I know and sorry mom but I have to go! Its my first day” I gave my mom an apologetic smile and she replied to it by saying “fine”.

“Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Love ya!”

I jumped into the bus just before it was going to leave. Everyone was suddenly quiet. I looked around for an empty seat but the only was at the most back part of the bus. I walked toward it and sat down. Everyone started whispering. I kept on hearing the name “Jenna” get repeated over and over again. The bus stopped and a tall, buff girl with ash blond hair and black lipstick entered the bus and started walking towards me. I have a feeling that this was Jenna and that she was a bully.

“Hey New Kid! Get off my seat”

Shouldn’t the Bus driver handle these sort of things? I looked behind her and saw that the busdriver was ignoring everything and taking a sip out of his coffee. I think that he’s probably scared of her too.”

“Hey did you hear me?!”

“yeah I heard you!” slipped out of my mouth. WORD VOMIT! I can definitely beat this dick of a chick up but I don’t really want that reputation again. That is what will probably happen though if I pick a fight on the first day of school but I will not be known as someone who just backs down.

“What did you say?”

“You heard me or are you just Deaf? You’re definitely blind though based on what you’re wearing.” Why was I saying these things? In a swift motion her hand was on my leather jacket lifting me up.

“ Hey! Do not mess with my jacket!” And the next thing I know my fist was clenched and was on her cheek( in a not so gentle manner)I heard a gasp from one of the kids in front and someone murmur ‘ the new kid stood up to Jenna’. I looked down to Jenna and she was , to my surprise, backing away. My punch had been harder than I thought. I looked around and everyone was staring at me. Their jaws were literally dropped to the ground. After a few seconds, everyone was cheering ‘ New Kid!’. Of course I told them my name was “Rose”. Then my name was being cheered. The bus finally stopped in front of the school and when I stepped out, people started introducing themselves to the girl who ‘stood up to the bully’. Not bad for my first day! Did some ‘justice’, as I would like to call it, and made around 7 new friends.  I glanced at my watch and it read 8:47. Shoot! I was already late by 17 minutes! I ran to the entrance of the school and got my class schedule and directions from the officer at the student help place. I ran to the directed class and , without thinking, flung the door open. I was greeted by a tall, scary, mantis-like teacher who wore glasses and had her hair up in a bun.

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