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Wow. Thats all I can say. A month has gone by so fast and im about to leave for Bucharest,Romania. I've already said all my goodbyes and have cried over probably never seeing my best friends ever again but I was excited to leave and go on into a new adventure. My whole life is gonna change. I get to start over.... Of course its gonna be weird being the new kid and all that but I make friends pretty quickly. I am a very friendly person for your information. But its all just happening so fast. And as my head kept thinking of all the kinds of people that I would meet , and the things that I would see,but one little fact I keep forgetting is-

"attention; flight 5J41 passengers please start boarding the aircraft now. Thank You"

And there that call was. Its time to step off my homeland for more adventures. Of course I wouldnt go directly to Bucharest. There are stops. One in tai pei then etc. I dont really know the route Im taking. I just know where Im really ending up in. I havent even noticed my parents calling my attention.

"Rose....ROSE! C'mon lets go! We should board now. The flight attendant is already looking at us. We wouldnt want to miss our flight... now would we?"

okay... so maybe that was the last call I would get on this land. I immidiately sprang up from my seat surprised at how lightning quick I stood up-only to let go of the coca-cola I was holding. I looked at it in dismay, only to delay the time.

"c'mon Rose! forget about that...we need to go now!" pleaded my parents.

And so I did. We rushed up to the flight attendant, gave our tickets and into the airplane we go. I feel excited, worried, alert, scared,sad and happy. What a mix of emotions. In about 5 minutes our plane started to move; accelerating in speed as I think of all the things that could possibly happen to me in Bucharest. Suddenly the thought that I had forgotten something popped back into my head. No-it isnt the fact that I was probably never coming back to the Philippines, No- I hadn't left something, No- I shoudn't have had to clean up my spilled soda.... Its on the tip of my tongue but I just couldnt get a grip on it. Trying to get my mind off of the thought that I might have forgotten something wasn't easy either. I decided to take out my sketchbook from my backpack and draw some random thing, thinking it could help me get my mind off of a certain thought. So I sketched my time away; I decided to draw a tiger roaring out loud. As I was about to finish, the cabin crew had started to take their seats and buckle their seatbelts.

"Attention everyone, Prepare for landing"

Woah! I had gone a whole 6 hours drawing and coloring a tiger?!?!Again time felt as if it was slipping away. The plane had started to descend. I could feel the pull of gravity as it did. It felt as if we were getting heavier and heavier. Finally, the plane had touched the ground and I was no longer in the Philippines, I was at our second fly over. We got out of the plane and I could feel a blast of cool air ! It was very refreshing after being in a plane that long. We started to walk to the designated area that was given to us and as soon as we got there my parents took a seat. I didn't really feel like sitting down though. I didn't know sitting down for so long was tiring. With my parents permission I was able to buy another can of soda from a stall near by. Just as I was walking back the captain had announced that the aircraft to Bucharest was ready to be boarded. Everyone stood up and started to make a line in front of the flight attendant. This was it. The final flight that would take me to my final destination. It wasnt long before we had gotten into the airplane, and after we sat down and got everything settled I opened up my can of soda. That probably wasnt such a smart move to do before take off because now I had a black stain on my shirt. Nevermind that though- I started to admire the view of the sunset; the steadiness of the airplane was making me sleepy. I dont know how long it took me to fall asleep or how long I was asleep because now the captain was announcing that we were about to land. A surge of excitement rushed through my body and I was suddenly up and about. I wondered what bucharest would be like. I had never been there. My parents had been here though; It was where they had their honeymoon. My parents always had some weird interest in Romania though I had never known why. I think it was how "I" happened but I'm not really crazy to find out about that either.  I noticed that everyone had started to stand up and walk to the planes exit; my parents had been getting ready to exit the plane too but the problem was that they didn't even bother to notify me. I could tell they were sleepy though so I let that go and in a few seconds I was standing next to my parents. We picked up our luggage and headed out of the airport. 

"Wow" was all I could have managed to say.

"I know right! This is where me and your father had spent our honeymoon. This is a really lovely town. Perfect cool weather, and its always green and clean!" my mom had replied.

A taxi had started to pull up in front of us and without hesitation my parents had put our luggage in the trunk and had hopped in. Me following behind them. The taxi had started to move and I couldnt help but admire the beautiful sights that I was passing by. My mom was right; this was indeed, a very lovely town. So many trees, and flowers, and beautiful buildings. The taxi had suddenly stopped and I thought something was wrong. We had stopped right in front of a gorgeous and gigantic house with a Beige dome shaped roof , with white walls, a waterfountain in front with an angel standing in the middle, and it looked like a mansion. I realized my parents had started to get out of the taxi and that's when it hit me. This was my new home! I rushed out of the car filled with happiness and ran to the doors of the house. My dad showed me my room and it was-empty? Then one of the best things I had ever heard came out of my dad's mouth. 

"Your room is empty because you get to design it! with my supervision of course! Were heading straight to the furnishing store after this!"

No way was this happening. Had the universe finally started to give me a perfect life? It can't be.... there had to be a catch and I knew that it was probably what I had been forgetting all along. I still couldnt get a grip on it but I refused to let it ruin my perfect moment! I sat down in the middle of my white room and started to think of Ideas on how I would design it. Then a perfect idea came through my head. White isn't that boring you just have to know how to spice things up!  I could make everything white! I would make my bed white including the covers and I could make my pillows brightly colored. Like fuschia pink and sea blue. Then I could make my desk white too and all the things I would put on it would stand out! My curtains would be of a bright color too-of course. And thats exactly what happened to my room! I was so happy and tired from all the shopping that I was glad it was time for dinner. My mom had unpacked the rest of our stuff so that means we were already settled in. I could smell my favorite dish in the world! BABY BACK RIBS!!! Yay! 

"School starts in two days. Get ready after dinner!" said dad.

SCHOOL STARTS IN TWO DAYS? That ruined the "evertthing is perfect" moment for me. I know I had to go to school but I didnt expect it to be so soon! So all I could mutter was "okay" . Right after dinner I found myself next to my schoolbag packing all the things I needed. My mom was nice enough to give me a list of what I would need. After I finished packing I took  a shower and change to my PJs. I jumped into my new soft bed and started thinking about school. I was diappointed that school would start so soon but excited at the fact that I would make new friends! The first impression always lasts right? So I started to think of how I would act. What should I wear? I would have to learn how to speak in romanian, wouldnt I? After a few minutes of thinking I started to fall asleep.

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