Chapter 15

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Marcus Evers

Where Alysia got the movie from, I don't know. We were both excited to watch a movie that involved cousins who actually had strong feelings for each other. A story of cousins. I could tell that Alysia was feeling heated from the thought of watching this and having to keep it in her room for a few days before we got the chance to watch it. Maybe she'd been hiding it longer than I thought.

I put the DVD of Kissing Cousins in and get the movie started. Alysia sets up soft blankets and pillows on the couch and we snuggle together. I lay back the long way on the couch and Alysia lays down putting her head on my chest, pressing her whole body up against mine.

We watch the introductions and then the movie is off to an average start. Once the two cousins in the story meet for the first time, sparks are already flying from the guy's side. Alysia and I are cheering the two of them on as we watch to see if they will reveal their feelings for each other. Soon, both are getting closer and spending a lot of private time together.

"Marcus," Alsyia started, "I think Amir is falling for his cousin, but maybe she doesn't see him that way."

"That would be pretty messed up," I answer back. That's the way it was looking, too.

It gets to the part where Amir and his cousin reveal how they feel about the idea of being a couple, and the results are surprising. The movie ends and I'm partially awake with my arms still around Alysia.

"That wasn't the ending I was expecting," she says sounding bothered. The credits are rolling and she gets up to stop it.

I begin stretching out on the couch. "I still liked it. It was kind of loose on the tension between both characters, but it was alright. It talked about cousin couples a little bit."

"It only hinted at the idea of it. It was barely there at all. Only on the part where Amir confesses how he feels for her that it talks about cousin couples. I was hoping for more."

Alysia lays her small body frame back on the couch and in my arms. My arms go around her and she trembles as though shivering. She buries her face in my chest and slows her breathing.

In minutes, we both fall asleep.


When I got home from classes, the day was still fresh in my mind. Alysia was still on my mind. But deep inside I knew that I had to talk to my father about this. Either way he would find out if I didn't tell him.

I waited for my father to get here. I had this energy in me that I couldn't hold still. Waiting impatiently. Sitting in front of the TV and tapping my foot on the floor. It felt like it was taking forever.

When Michael finally did come home, I greeted him and said nothing more. I convinced myself to let him get settled in before actually mentioning what I wanted to say. Fortunately he had come home alone and Julia was still gone.

Then I found a chance to speak to him.

"Hey, dad, I need to talk to you about something." I kept my voice calm and cool so as not to give away too much right away.

He sits down with little attention on me. "What's on your mind?"

I brace and put on my game face. "Alysia and I have been hanging out a lot lately and you've seen how we get along, right? Well, we came to an agreement. We want to keep our relationship. We want to stay together. I know that you said that we can't and think that we're not supposed to do this, but we want to keep going."

His eyes tighten, attempting to scare me. Michael answers with an angry response. "Marcus, I told you not to. She is your cousin. How many times do I have to tell you?"

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