Chapter 21: Screen

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(Y/N) kept shaking. All she could do was shake. She was scared as hell to see her dad face to face.

Dad: So aren't you going to say hello to your sister.

I think she was scared to show him her stomach because she kept standing behind me and Tyler. Jenna kept staring at me to say something but I didn't know what to say.

(Y/N): Hi.

Dad: Come and give her a hug.

(Y/N): No I'm good.

Dad: Oh come on it's not like your hiding something. Nivi go give her a hug.

This time (Y/N) was shaking harder. I kept repeating in my head It's okay but I couldn't get those words out of my mouth.

Nivi runs to her and gives her a hug. And then that's when hell broke loose.

Nivi: She has a big bump on her stomach. Just like mom did when she had Jackson.

(Y/N's) dad walks behind me and makes eye contact with her stomach.


(Y/N): What.


I was getting upset. He was basically yelling at her.

Josh: (Y/N) let's go. We don't want to miss our plane.

(Y/N): Ya let's go.

All four of us walked towards the gate and went on the plane.

(Y/N): Why was he there?

Josh: I have no idea babe. Let's just forget about it.

She rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.


Me and Josh had to figure out what kind of ring we where getting for them but, I already found like 3 that he might like. One had a beautiful ruby on it, the other had red and white, and the last one had Josh's and (Y/N) favorite color on it.

Josh: *Whisper* Hey Tyler have you found anything.

Tyler: Ya.

I turn my laptop screen towards Josh so the can see the gorgeous rings.

Tyler: So you have the ruby one, you have the red and white, and you have the teal one.

Josh: Well what would you go with.

Tyler: Well I would do the ruby ring because it's super pretty. I would then get a white or black ring like I have my red one and wear it on your middle finger.

Josh: I actually like that idea. So where can we get one.

Tyler: Well we can go to any kind of place that sells rings.

Josh: What about Kay's.

Tyler: We can go there tomorrow if you want.

Josh: Well I want to get something that will make her happy.

Tyler: I know and honestly I think that she will love the ruby ring.

Josh: Hey Tyler.

Tyler: Yes Josh.

Josh: Um I wanted to talk about the whole tour situation.

Tyler: I overheard you and (Y/N) talking about it. I'm fine with that plan. I already talked to the guys about it. They're fine with it.

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