8- Awaits

171 5 7

(Y/N) s P.O.V

I have been Left, with no one by my side. Why do I feel so tortured?

Is it because I'm confused? Where should I discard my unrequited endearment? Why did he address me as 'highness'?

As much as I tried to stop it, I couldn't help myself from thinking about Slaine. Was this his plan all along? Was my kiss part of some royal mission for him?

My God, I can never do anything right....


I could feel my self being wheeled out of my original spot by a cold figure. His aura made me shiver like stepping out of a hot shower into a cold room. I had been blindfolded again since talking to Slaine.

I really wish I wasn't in this situation right now.... But my feelings  are hard to explain.

I want to leave, but I don't want to go home. All the thoughts in my head are telling me that the parents at home are not my real parents. For some reason, me knowing this new information is changing my mind and making me feel as if I belong  somewhere else. Then again I don't even know this place, and the only reason I even believe that it exists is because of what Slain said. Thinking back on it now , Slaine has proven himself to be a liar. I don't know how to feel towards him because I thought maybe for once .......

Pardon us, your highness we are very sorry for the inconvenience; but you are needed on your planet for reasons that we cannot speak of as of right now. so please excuse us as we make it possible with our advanced technology to send you back home. And remember, WKCD is good.

Wait....  haven't I heard of this organization before ? in a book or a movie or something they specialize in mutations for humans so what could they possibly want me here for? especially if I am said to be royalty like.....WHET???

I was buckled from out of my wheelchair and lifted onto a cold hospital like bed.

I still cannot see but I could hear and feel and smell. I could not move. I guess since I have been sitting down for all those days my body had became  weak.

I was then strapped down to the table and all noise disappeared. there was a very cold presence standing right above my head.

He smelled of chemicals and my body instantly quivered with great fear. I felt as if this was the end and in this time of pure terrification .... All I could think about was Slaine.

My eyes between to close slowly as I felt cool liquid shooting up my IV tube.


Slaine s P.O.V

I watched the operation from behind the one way mirror. I was fine when they were prepping the areas for the incisions but when they were ready to cut her skin, I had to look away.

My father was sitting next to me in the observation room.

Slaine, this is not still bothering you is it?  If so you can leave...... you're being too much of a distraction for me to study the operation and collect data properly.

I got up out of my chair and walked away. I looked back to see her lifeless body laying on the table being operated on before walking away.

I couldn't bear to think about what pain awaited (Y/N).

Kekeke yummy pain😍

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