Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful Fall morning in Bayville, NY. However, Professor Charles Xavier was unable to enjoy the cool breeze coming through the windows due to yet another nightmare ridden night. The past 2 weeks had been spent in a cycle of sleepless nights and terrible nightmares. With his telepathic abilities, the professor was no stranger to interrupted sleep but these dreams were enough to make him start questioning his sanity. He has decided that it is time to track down what is causing these dreams which means he will have to move the team temporarily overseas, to no other than Paris France. Good thing he never got around to selling that vacation home his parents had bought.

The X-Men were in the middle of a training session when the Professor shut down the Danger Room and told everyone to be in his office in 5 minutes causing a feral growl to escape Wolverine. "Alright gang, you heard the man," Logan snapped.

Once they had gathered in the study the Professor looked at each member of his team with a solemn expression. "You are all aware of my step-brother Cain and how he found the Cytorrak gem." At their nods, he continued with his story. "There has long been rumors that there is another gem of Cytorrak hidden elsewhere in the world. I believe that I have found the location of this gem." He stops to collect his thoughts and to decide how best to continue with his tale. "I have been monitoring the European countries fairly heavily lately what with the news stories from Paris that involve the heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir to see if there are any mutant abilities they possess. I have determined that the source of their power does not come from the X-Gene but two weeks ago there was a spike of activity around Paris. When I was checking it out I was assaulted by the power of what I believe was the awakening of another gem of Cytorrak. If that is indeed the case we need to be in Paris to stop whatever power has been unleashed."

"But if Paris already has heroes that can handle situations like these why do we need to be there?" Scott Summers AKA Cyclops questioned as he ran a hand through his brown hair. "The last thing we need right now is for us to overstep our boundaries with these new heroes and get more bad publicity. People aren't exactly fond of mutants as it is."

"While I understand that we do not want to draw more attention to ourselves I also firmly believe that Ladybug and Chat Noir are not equipped to handle the issue without some help. They just appeared a year ago and while they are capable of handling what has been thrown at them so far I do not believe that they have ever faced anything as massive as the Juggernaut." The Professor ran a hand over his bald head as he stopped to look over the students. "Does anyone else have questions?"

"So, like, we're going to Paris?" Kitty Pryde AKA Shadowcat was barely containing her excitement and the desire to hop up and down. At the Professors nod the brunette squealed and no longer stopped herself from hopping up and down. "How soon are we leaving? Do I have time to go shopping for some new clothes?"

She was about to continue when Xavier cut in. "We are waiting for the arrival of Amanda Sefton and then we will be taking off. I need all of you to pack your bags and be wheels up ready in a half hour. You can each only take 2 suitcases. Anything else you will need can be purchased when we arrive."

"Professor," Kurt Wagner AKA Nightcrawler interject over Kitty's excited squealing, "why is Amanda coming on this mission?" Not that he minded the fact that his girlfriend would be traveling with him but he was concerned with her safety if things got as bad as Charles had hinted at. His three-fingered hand messed with his tail to keep it from twitching too much. His dark blue fur covered all his body and his yellow eyes freaked most people out the first time they saw him. With his appearance, people usually mistook him for a demon so he wore a holographic watch when outside of the institute to keep from being harassed. Amanda knew what he looked like and accepted him without any issues.

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