Pity Party ♪ Bill Cipher x Reader

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{♪ reccomended to listen to music while reading! ♪}


You stayed up all night writing invitations for your sixteenth birthday party, putting your heart into every cursive letter as you deftly wrote on the pieces of paper. You had invited at least 20 people, which you considered to all be dear friends to you.

It was quite the hassle for you to keep yourself awake to finish them, for your eyes were stinging and could easily flutter close. But you managed to keep yourself conscious as you lightly slapped your cheeks, forcefully widening your bloodshot eyes. "Stay awake, (y/n)," you said to yourself under your breath. "These need to be ready for tomorrow morning."

You licked the top of the envelope, the bitter taste of the adhesive sinking into your tastebuds. You shoved the little card in the envelope, sealing it close as you threw it into the pile with the rest of the pastel invitations. Then you proceeded with the rest of them, taking a few breaks in between to stretch out your throbbing wrist.

You had promised yourself that this year you would have a normal party for once in your life─ unlike your petrifying childhood ones. Just by the thought of it made your stomach turn and heave, even sending chills down your spine.

But that's in the past now.

Everything has changed. This time you have friends that care for you, and you have the house all to yourself, since your parents had a business meeting and your brother was out of town, probably partying somewhere with his friends. Before they left, they told you that they'll make it up to you once they get back. You were grateful that they even put effort into speaking such words towards you, since they would normally rub it off as no big deal.

You went outside to a clear sky of stars and street lights illuminating the darkened road. You gleefully skipped over towards the mailbox, humming your favorite song as you swung the cards back and forth to the rhythm.

You opened up the mailbox, sliding the cards in as you skipped in the same fashion back inside.

Now that the invitations were taken care of, you could get a goodnight sleep before having the whole day tomorrow dedicated to buying decorations, sugary foods, and most importantly─ the perfect party dress.

It was an exciting experience for you, never before having the opportunity to plan the perfect party the way you wanted. And you were determined that it'll be the highlight of your year.


You woke up, a smile crawling upon your lips as you sprinted out of bed, knowing today was the day.

You woke up at 6:30 AM, preparing to prep for the party. Breakfast wasn't on your mind as you hastily made your way downstairs. You pulled the pastel themed decorations out of the closet, ripping open the thin plastic sealing the products.

You didn't waste any time hanging up the pastel streamers, blowing up balloons, pinning up a pinata and haphazardly placing stuffed animals with party hats everywhere just for an extra touch of cute. You then set up the snacks at the decorated table─ bowls of table mints, caramel drizzled popcorn, fruit punch, sprinkled cupcakes, oreos and even a chocolate fondue fountain centered perfectly in the middle. You quite literally wanted this to be a sweet sixteen.

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