The Compliment

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Strong arms is what I feel around me, that and the slight swaying as each step is being taken. I'm being carried, to where, I don't know.

I keep my eyes shut, knowing it's best to pretend to be asleep then to be noticed as awake.

A door creeks open, the sound of heavy footsteps more apparent in this room. The grip on me loosens as whoever was holding me bends down, setting me down lightly on my bed.

I keep my eyes closed, rolling over to my side once I feel the rough sheets beneath me. "You the roommate?" I hear a young man say.

"I'm in her room aren't I?" I hear a more familiar voice say. "Jeez Finn, lose the attitude."

"Isn't everything more fun with an attitude?" It's almost like I can hear him smiling into his words, the end of his sentence being slightly muffled, either from his cigarette or his smiling.

"You keep an eye on her till the doctors come. They found her down there, looks to be she was there all night. Poor thing could've froze
to death," I hear the unfamiliar male voice say.

"Yeah...getting colder ey?" Finn says.

"Mhm," and with that I hear footsteps shuffle out of the room, closing the door lightly.

I can feel Finns eyes on me, his stare practically burning through my back. I know what happened last night, everyone leaving me behind and me trying to find my way in the claustrophobic darkness. Then I took my "break" which I guess turned into something longer.

"You asleep?" Finn says from behind. My cheek rests against the scratchy, white pillow case, trying everything I can to keep my breaths heavy and my movement at a minimum.

"Well, I'm sorry I guess. Didn't know you'd fall asleep down there. They'll probably keep you up here for awhile, not let you go downstairs."

My eyes shoot open. I'm sorry I guess?

"You must've been cold, I was cold last night and so was Caleb, he was really cold."

He goes on for awhile about how they all went into the basement and played chess while chain smoking countless cigarettes. I'm not really listening, mainly because I am falling back asleep, back into the darkness that awaits.

My eyes lower and my breath starts slowing down, ignoring the words that come out of Finns mouth. Then, I hear him get up, his footsteps coming close to me.

"Really sorry...again," he says softly and resting a hand on my shoulder. It lingers for awhile until he raises it, shifting and sitting on the edge of my edit. My back is still facing him, me laying on my side and him looking over me. His hand moves to my back, lightly running it across like for some reason I won't feel it. Maybe he wants me to feel it or maybe he just wants to annoy me.

"You're beautiful, you that?"

It's everything I can do to not smile, knowing it'll totally blow my cover. I do feel my cheeks grow hot and hope to god he doesn't notice.

He leans down to wear his lips are so close they almost brush against my ear. He doesn't say anything, though the position he's in indicates he might.

"I'm crazy, not stupid. I know you aren't asleep."

With that my cover is blown and I open my eyes, accepting my fate. I turn slightly, meeting his smiling face that hovers over me.

"What gave it away?" I say, moving my hands up to push him off. Something was very unsettling about a crazy person being on top of me. Without a struggle, he pulls away and goes back to his original position, sitting on the edge of my white sheeted mattress.

"Your eyes were moving and not like you were dreaming, like you were trying not to open them," he pauses. "And my compliment made you blush."

I frown, "so the only reason you said that was to get me to quit the shit?"

He shakes he head fast, "no no no. You really are beautiful."

"Thanks," I say with a smile. A forced smile, may I add. I wasn't one to take a compliment from a psycho.

short chapter, i know i've been neglecting this story but i've been really focusing on others. i promise i'll update very soon and a nice long chapter.

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