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I hope that you enjoyed reading about Rutheria.

Here is part of the original story of Rutheria:


written by


5 December 1973

It is Christmas time aboard the Athena. Everyone is in a joyous mood. The Athena came alive with the approaching holiday. She was beginning to look like a Christmas tree on the inside. Rutheria (Commander Rutheria B Rima) was in a very joyous mood. Everywhere she went aboard the ship, she was singing traditional or modern Christmas songs.

Even though it is a joyous season, Inter-Galactic Control message came through with special orders. There orders were going to be very unusual.

"Captain, message from Inter-Galactic Control."

"For heaven's sake, can't they let us celebrate Christmas for once?" said Rutheria. "Oh well, let the message through."

"Captain Rima, we here at Inter-Galactic have a special duty for both you and your crew." came the message. "You are to take the Athena and go back in time."

"What time period are we suppose to be in?" asked Rutheria.

"During the time of the birth of Christ. You are to observe and record what is happening," came the final part of the message from Inter-Galactic Control.

"That puts a wet damper on the holiday fun, they sure know how to spoil the fun," said Shorty (Ensign LaCree).

"Lark, get a message to Doc, Red and Bird. Tell them to be in the briefing room in fifteen minutes." said Rutheria. "Lee, take over the controls for awhile."

"Aye, Captain," came the reply.

"Lark, I want you to come along with me to the briefing room. We are going to have to have a record of the conversation for Inter-Galactic Control. Meg, take over for Lark while she is with us. On, before I forget it, Meg, no messages of any kind from Control and I don't care what they say. I'll take the messages after we are done. Let's go, Lark."

"Ladies and gentlemen, we received a message from Inter-Galactic Control. We are suppose to go back into time," Rutheria stated.

"They are to be kidding. There is no possible way to go back in time with this ship," said Bird (Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Robin).

"I know that , Bird, but Inter-Galactic Control wants us to go any way. Do any of you have an idea on how to do it?"

"We could go through a time warp. That should do the trick," said Doc (Chief Medical Officer Cornelius).

"If we go through a time warp, we might end up in the wrong time zone,: said Red (Science Officer, Lieutenant Commander Zoe). "I could check it with the computer."

"Do it then, while she is doing that. Do any of you have another suggestion," asked Rutheria.

"Captain, couldn't Bird make some kind of time device to the engines." suggested Lark (Communications Officer, Lieutenant Larchen).

"Thanks an idea, Lark. Captain, I'll get on it right away," With that idea, she left the room.

"All right. Red, what does the ....." Buzz. "Yeoman Meg, didn't I tell you no messages of any kind? Rutheria says angrily.

"Aye, Captain, but Control has a very important message for you," said Meg.

"I said no messages and that is exactly what I mean," shouted Rutheria. "Oh, second thought, what is it?"

"They don't want us to beam down because it can change the course of Ancient Earth's history. Control stated that if anything is done to change history, heads will roll. That was the last of the message, ma'am." said Meg.

"As I was saying before the interruption, Red, what did the computer say about the time warp?" asked Rutheria.

"The chances of going through a time warp and ending up in the right time zone is .002 to 1,000,000. But there is a chance to find a time warp that could put us in the right time," stated Red. "The only thing wrong with that is it will take time to hunt for the right time warp."

"Okay, Red, Bird is working on a time device that Lark suggested right now. Go give her a hand in trying to put it together and then in testing it," said Rutheria. Red leaves the room then in order to find Bird. "That's it for now. Doc, you look like you have swallowed a snake. What is wrong?"

Sorry, the rest of the story had disappeared during a move.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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