Love at first sight

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Jacquelines pov:

I was walking around emotionlessly over thinking about so many things, I wouldn't know where to begin with, I mainly looked down because of everyone in this school, they judge me because I'm different from all of them and they're right...i am different from them all, well anyways as I kept walking I wasn't paying much attention I tripped and dropped all my papers "damn it...i fell again" I sat up and on my knees as I was about to pick up my papers 'they're all gone' I thought to myself then looked up at this girl who was trying to lend me her hand I instantly felt my heart throb she was perfect her dark silky hair complementing those beautiful brown eyes of hers and then those glasses that help her beautiful eyes gaze upon things, she was chubby yet taller than me which set off her look she was amazing a few minutes passed and I still gazing into her brown eyes still complementing her mentally, I soon snapped out of it when she put my papers in my hands "hi my name is Susan! And I'm getting extremely lost, you see I'm new here and um well I have no idea were room 312 is" she said then handed me her schedule. I realized I had all my classes except for last class which was technically across my last period class I felt a knot tie in my stomach my face turned a light red as I looked down awkwardly "I-I um...I have the same c-classes as you except f-for eighth period" I said then heard a giggle from her which made the knot tighter and my heart throb even more, what was this feeling? Its strange and I don't like it one bit, minutes later the bell for first class rang I leaded Susan to our first class we sat together as I looked out the window trying to avoid looking at her

Susan's pov:

As class was about to begin I felt anxious it was my first day at my new school I didn't know any of these people of course, except for the weird girl next to me she seemed cool though but I really didn't get what her name was, but I knew I'd find out soon. As the rest of the students arrived I realized no one bothered sitting next nor near the girl next to me...I started to worry but she was the only one willing to help me out, I soon almost started to think about why no one sat near this​ girl but then I heard the teachers voice "ok class today we have a new student joining us, step right up and present yourself to th-" the teacher stopped speaking as she looked at where I sat she looked scared then waved for me to go in front of the class "wish me luck!" I whispered to the girl besides me we both traded smiles as she looked at me whispering back "good luck" I then smiled and headed to the front of the class as I smiled "hello everyone I'm Susan! It's nice to meet you all! I am a transfer student from akishi academy" they all looked at me when the teacher said to present themselves to me. They all did but then the teacher skipped the girl who helped me out I got slightly irritated for​some reason as I pointed at the girl "can you also introduce yourself please? I need to thank you for helping me out" the whole class stood in nothing but silence as they all looked at their desk terrified as that girl made eye contact with me which made me feel like something was about to kill me "I'm Jacqueline...." She said before looking away

~skipping to lunch time~

Jacquelines pov:

I walked out of the class ignoring everyone around except for Susan she followed behind me since she really didn't even bother leaving my side, I sat on the rooftop on a bench looking inside my back pack as I grunt realizing I forgot my lunch at home then I felt someone sit besides me, she smiled and handed me a spare pair of chopsticks "it seem you've forgotten your lunch today! Don't worry I made enough for two so please accept my offer!" I looked at her bento I really didn't want to but she left me with no choice but to eat with felt weird but it made me fall deeper for her, I hated it, I hated this feeling, but now I know that she's mine and only one can take her from me I don't care who's blood I have to spill she has no choice but to be mines~ I tried snapping out of it but I'm a Gasai, my mother has the same situation but with Rin (you'd understand if you read my last book), what has lead me to this situation why now? Why her...The bell rang for our next class, we both walked to our next class were we once again sat together she seemed happy which made me feel extremely weird, no one has ever smiled just by being around me

~time skips to the end of the day~

Susan's pov:

I was happy I made a new friend today! I decided to go ask her to go to dinner with me at 7 since my parents weren't going to arrive until a few months, she looked like she was going to reject my offer instead she accepted and gave me her address. We both went our separate ways, I soon got ready wearing my favorite blouse, some skinny jeans, and my favorite combers. After that I saw that the time was already 6:55 so I sprinting out of my house and into the car, I put the GPS on and started heading to Jacquelines house, it wasn't that far only 2 miles away from my house, once I arrived I knocked on her door she opened it, and her outfit was adorable! She had a black skirt with white leggings, a white shirt tucked in with black flat shoes, and a messy bun "you look amazing Jacki!!!!" I saw a red tint of blush cross her face then looked at her look down "th-thanks you also look amazing yourself" I smiled then grabbed her hand dragging her to the car she followed behind as I opened the car door for her

~at Wendy's~ (bc why not! Don't judge me! T3T)

Jacquelines pov:

As soon as we entered the restaurant I realized she herself was manager of all Wendy's I was shocked, but she wanted to be treated like a normal costumer. I realized she didn't have her wallet so I gave a little side smirk as soon as they told us to order she only got one thing while I ordered everything because I knew I was going to be paying this meal, her eyes widen in full shock at the price 562.98, I tried not to laugh as she tried searching for her pocket she then looked at me with a worried face "I-I...Kinda" was all she managed to say before I pulled out my wallet and payed we both then sat down all I heard is so many 'im sorry!' from her I sighed and kept saying 'its ok calm down' after our order came we both ate equally which I was surprised I actually ate that much without have a stomachache. She then dropped me off and went home.

(Comment down below if you want more of this story! Don't forget to like and follow me for more stories~

(P.S: I'm going to be improving upcoming stories~ and also sorry for spelling mistakes ❤❤❤

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