Jacquelines confessions

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Susan's pov:

It's been 1 year of knowing Jacqueline she has been one of my bestest friend in the world! Only that after a few months, she hasn't been herself she would go silent when I told her about my first crush at school, she's been closer, her aura felt different all of a sudden so let me tell you how all of this has started; we were on our way to school talking about our personal things until I asked her a random question "have you ever crushed on anyone who you wanted to be yours but you could never get?" She stood silent for a moment before a small grin appeared her answer got me to know she was confident she'd get her crush "I have a crush on someone, but one way or another I'll make that person mine" she has said. It gave me curiosity on who it was but I rather not ask because everytime I do she becomes shy for some reason she then asked me who I had a crush on and honestly it was two people her and this really cute boy at school so a answered by telling her about the guy, because honestly I thought it would've made our friendship awkward "well you see...I like Tony from our class in room 160" I responded and all there was a dead bitter silence between us, as days passed she has become distant which I respect that, but hey at least we still get to sit together and walk together!

Jaquelines pov:

It was finally Friday the day that the rumors of Tony wanting to ask out MY Susan under the cherry blossom tree in the middle of the garden, I wrote a note to Tony saying 'meet me in the back of the school during lunch, we need to talk~ xoxo Susan' I had a big grin when he actually believed that note, I soon turned at Susan realizing it was almost time for lunch "hey Susan please don't take this the wrong way but I have important business to attend to during lunch" I've said slightly in a rush "wh-what why!? Where are you going!? You can't just leave me for l-" the bell has rung as I looked at her "it's only for this once I promise ok? I just need to do an assignment for one of my classes that I'm failing!" I whined as she sighs and smiles shooing me off as I run out of the classroom in a jolt making sure the knife I had doesn't fall out of my long socks, I soon arrive at the back of the school as I see the idiot waiting patiently, I transformed into half of my true self a half husky half demon girl as a grabbed the knife using it for my nails to imitate from, I soon made the knife vanish as I slowly walked up to him "Oh Tony~ waiting for someone dumb dumb?" I smiled innocently as I kept walking towards him making him back up in fright "D-Demon! Get away from me!!! Someone help!!!!" He cried out as I slowly raised my arms cutting him into many little pieces as intestents gushed out his blood almost everywhere in the corner and on me, I laughed for a minute or so before I grabbed the cleaning utensils that where stored in the bush as I finished up I burnt everything then ran into the girls locker room as I bathed taking the blood off me changing into my spare uniform as I burnt the dirty one, the last bell rang as I bit my bottom lip "ngh, I'm late" I turned back to normal as I sacrificed my ego teleporting to class hoping no one would notice, luckily no one but Susan realized I teleported

Susan's pov:

My eyes widened when I saw Jacqueline teleport o-or magically appear next to me I was curious, scared, and astonished on what I have just experienced "J-Jacky! How did you do that!?" I asked whispering/kinda yelling as my eyes sparkled she just gave a big sigh and smiled awkwardly "M-Magic?" She answered in a whisper with a slight confused tone. The end of the school bell rang an hour and thirty minutes. I was so happy Jacky talked to me again, but what weirded me out was when she said "I-I...w-we have to meet up at my house...I trust you and you mean alot to me so hopefully...you don't tell anyone and or panic once you see and know" I looked at her confused but I agreed on going to her house

~at Jacquelines house~

Jacquelines pov:

It was already night time, it was Friday so we decided to have a sleepover at my house. She wore a beautiful plain night gown while I looked​ like I put zero effort on what I wore, which eh I did put zero effort, I wore on oversized shirt, and shorts. We talked about random things until in one point she asked "so what was it you wanted to tell me?" I looked away for a moment before I put my courage together "if I tell you promise me you won't tell anyone...or scream at me and try to run and hide only because oh who I am...." I felt her gentle hands on my chin making me face her, I blushed uncontrollably as she smiled "don't worry I won't judge you Jacky, you know I accept everyone for who they are" she has said, I almost forgot she was pansexual for a moment. I nodded and asked her to put her phone in my basket, she did then sat on my bed as she looked at me waiting for what I was going to do. I gulped and felt my pride fo down the drain "a-actually I have two confessions" I looked down "first confession, I am a demon husky" she looked at me confused for a moment I sighed.

Susan's pov:

"A demon husky?" I have asked her extremely confused, I didn't want to put her on blast or anything but "prove it then...If you really are one" my eyes slightly widened as I looked at her eyes change from brown to crimson red, from crimson red to one yellow eye and one blue eye, I blinked and before you know it I saw a demon dog...demon husky? I was surprised and amazed by all of this "Jacky! You're a demon puppy!!! It's so cute!" I chirped out as she had a poker face. She then turned slightly back to normal, her claws where still there and her ears as well as her tail, she then sat on my lap as I petted her. "N-Now...for m-my s-second confession!" She said stuttering saying that I wanted to know what else she was going to say, I was extremely excited. "W-Well...I like you, a-a lot n-not as a f-friend but as a-a crush...ever since the first day I met you, y-you meant everything to me! A-And you still do...please consider my feelings instead of throwing it away" her ears went down for a moment scared of what I'd respond to her confession, I smiled brightly as I hugged her from behind "I do...I-I accept your feelings! I accept...you" I felt her tail wag as I kept hugging her still extremely happy now she's mine and I'm hers~ after this she felt sleepy still trying not to stutter as I layed her down putting the blanket on her, as I decided to sleep next to her.

(Well that's it for the second part! Don't forget to like and follow me for more stories~ I hope you guys enjoyed this story! Welp until next time!

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