Mianhe.. ^sorry^

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(Skip time : chanyeol go home, sleep)

In the morning..

Jungkook : good morning jihyo
Jihyo just woke up..
Jihyo : hm.. why r u here so early?
Jungkook : i want to look at you early
Jihyo : moarning..
Jungkook : *kiss jihyo's cheek*
Jihyo : ya. Why did u do that?
Jungkook : because i love you
Jihyo : ya! So early in the morning?
Jungkook : yes maam😊
<skip, finally jihyo wake up and eat>

Jihyo go to the bathroom while jungkook is eating and she realize that yesterday she was fallen asleep and chanyeol was with her. She think again and again, and she decided not to have a relationship with chanyeol again.

Then jihyo walks out,
Jihyo : jungkook
Jungkook : wht happen? (Stand up)
Jihyo hug jungkook with smile
Jihyo : i love you..
Jungkook : what? *shock*
Jihyo : be my boyfriend
Jungkook : *hug tightly* i will..(happy)

And they continue to eat after that...
Jungkook call bts members
Jungkook : hyung, let me show you my gf. (Show jihyo)
Jihyo : annyeonghaseyo
Bts : congratulations!!! Our maknae

Then they continue to eat.. and..
Chanyeol arrived at the hospital n go straight to her room but she wasnt there, so she asked the nurse there

Nurse : maybe she went to eat, she has recovered. She could walk and go home today.
Chanyeol : ohh okay then.. thankyou

Chanyeol went to the Canteen and saw jihyo with jungkook
Chanyeol : jihyo ya, lets go home. Today you can go home right?
Jihyo : yes i will but i will go home with my bf
Chanyeol : jb?
Jihyo : no, its jungkook.
Jungkook : oh hello sunbaenim☺
Jihyo : you havent eaten right? Let us eat together..
Chanyeol : but.. yesterday you..-
Jungkook : what?
Jihyo : idr about yesterday...
Jungkook : sorry sunbae if jihyo might say or do something harsh to you. We'll pay and take our leave.
Chanyeol : *speechless*

Like jungkook say, he leaves with jihyo and pay the bill.

Chanyeol : why do i feel like my world is gone? My head hurts... *hurt*

In the car
Jihyo : jungkook,
Jungkook : hm?
Jihyo : please keep me far from Chanyeol sunbae.
Jungkook : i will. *jihyo's tears* jihyo, what happen? Dont cry *hug*
Jihyo : you.. know.. i love you right?
Jungkook : ara..

*kringg kring...***  Chanyeol's call
Jihyo : hello
Chanyeol : help me please..
Jihyo : what? WDYM? We are just..
Chanyeol : -------
Jihyo : hello, hello, hello...?

Jihyo : jungkook, i think chanyeol sunbae is.. something is wrong
Jungkook : huh? What do you mean?
Jihyo : lets go! Faster

//skip time\\     
they have arrived at the hospital

Jihyo : chanyeol-ah, wake up..
Nurse : please wait outside
Jihyo : please tell me, what happen to him? Jungkook-ah, what...-
Jungkook : calm down jihyo-ya, he is just fainted. Dont worry👦

//Skip Time\\
Docs and nurses go out..
Jihyo : doc, what happen with him?
Doctor : we need to just wait for him to wake up. We did a little operation on his head before. Now its time to wait for him to wake up.
Jungkook : ok doc thankyou☺ lets go

Jungkook : jihyo-ya, but i have one question. Do u love him?
Jihyo : i dont. I love you
Jungkook : then, i will have a rest with my member for about 1 year in another country, USA. I want u to come.
Jihyo : but.. i will be promoting with twice. How can i..-?
Jungkook : i will tell JYP pd-nim, to let twice take a rest for 6 months. I will return u after 6 months.
Jihyo : but.. we just known each other for just some months. How can u trust me? How can u bring me?
Jungkook : that is easy, since my father is the owner of K*S tv.
Jihyo :        *sigh*

Morning has come, jihyo went to the hospital to see Chanyeol..

Jihyo : doc, how is chanyeol's condition? Better or worst?
Doc : its better, but he still hasnt woken up yet
Jihyo : (inside her : tomorrow i cant come here, because i'll go to USA. I want to see him)  hm.. doc, can i see him just for 5 mins?
Doc : hm... okay if its 5 mins.
Jihyo : thankyou doc

jihyo come to chanyeol's room

Jihyo : *cry* chanyeol, its not for me. You r not for me. I will forget u. Thank u for your love to me. I love you

//skip time 4 mins\\
Jihyo : chanyeol, its time for me to go. See you again if we were meant to be

Tbc. Sorry for not updating for too long. Thanks for keep on supporting me💜💜

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