My Birthday

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So in honor of my birthday and this being one of my favorite books i have decided that i will give you guys  a present

you can either chose the squeal to this book about Kree's son Khalil and how life is for him. Or i can show you what life is like for Kree and Tre after he proposed

Khalil's story description

Growing up in a world with so many people trying to be someone there not you have to figure out who you are. Khalil Turner has to figure that out. Especially when he cant talk to the other person who created him. Secrets are being kept from him. Not to mention his strong dislike for his stepfather who he feels is hiding the most from his mother.

Kree and Tre's story- I hear wedding bells ringing. They may be faint though. After trying so hard to be with each other and finally acheiving that are Kree and Tre really happy together or was there love just a strong like that they thought was love. Will they actually say I do ?

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