·Chapter 7· Purple Silk

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Seems like my memories were distance. I would remember some parts and then the rest blank. I don't remember what really happened. I could only unlock the party and where I was kidnapped. Piece by piece my memories would come and go. Sometimes they are timed apart, from a few minutes to days. Why was I back? Why can't I remember? And that weird apparition that spoke those mind chilling words... left more of a mystery for me. I don't how long I been up here, but the sight of blank white is starting to get sickening. 

Its weird reliving your life as your sitting up here dead. I can't even cry. I really want to... I try to cry, but since I'm dead, just a spirit, I guess no tears fall out, right?

I never got to see my killer's face. All I saw was darkness. Sometimes his hands or button down shirt would be in sight, but they were black as well. The most thing I had to distinctly remember about my killer was the scent. A smell of lilacs always filled my nose. I didn't know why either. If I was still alive, they only way to find my kidnapper was the scent and a purple soft silk bedding.

Throughout all the long cold days in stone walls. My only sense of reality was the bed. Sunlight was in a small corner of the worn stone. I always wondered why in that spot. But the sunlight would shine upon a small section of the room, my bed. I could tell I wasn't in my town because silk like this was hand made. And I knew who exactly made it. Only if I was alive to tell them... then maybe they would have a lead... That's all that's constricting me from going insane. Finding where that purple silk was made. Then, just then they might all remember...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2014 ⏰

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