~ The Keeper ~

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L felt exhilarated riding on the back of a Dragon, she was surprised that she didn't feel awkward or strange, it was still Robbie after all. Maybe the things she had been through had desensitised her to what was supposed to be strange, this was just another unexpected thing to take in.

Robbie wasn't kidding when he said he knew exactly what he was doing in his new form. The claws that grew from his new feet were longer than L's arms, they slashed through the Craska's tentacles with ease and the venom the Demon spat had no effect against the rough scales covering Robbie's Dragon body.

He charged at the Demon with a ground shaking run, almost knocking Frallica off with the force of the hit. The Demon and Robbie grappled for a few minutes while Frallica tried to hold on, L on the other hand, was perfectly secure in her nook. Robbie managed to get the upper-hand after another minute and gripped the Demon in his maw, he bit down hard and the Craska exploded in a shower of dust and black liquid.

Robbie spat huge globules at the ground, "That tasted worse than my old cough medicine, bleugh."

L laughed out loud at him and they turned on Frallica, she wasn't hesitating or mourning the loss of her Demon, she didn't seem bothered that she had no steed. A second later they knew why, she brought a hand to her mouth and whistled, and L knew what that summoned.

L quickly told Robbie about the other two Craska that were out there and they tried to advance on Frallica before the Demons arrived; the other Craska must have been closer than they thought. The two of them flew in out of nowhere to stand in front of Frallica, blocking her from attack. She climbed up onto one of their backs, just as she had with the last one. L thought for a second that she might try to escape this time but Frallica looked smug again and she gestured between the two Craska.

"You should surrender now, one puny adolescent Dragon will not save you. My Craska will tear it apart and then I will torture you for making me fight like this."

"Wow, she's lost the plot, hasn't she? And who's she calling puny?" Robbie remarked with a muffled chuckle, stomping his front feet.

L smiled despite her position, "Yeah, you should hear her when she really gets going." L was watching Frallica and the two Craska carefully. "I don't know how we're going to beat two of them at once and get to Frallica. It's starting to get dark and the Demons thrive in the dark, plus I'm getting tired."

"Isn't there anything you could use that will work against these Demons? Something like my claws or teeth but for you?"

L blinked rapidly at the ingenuity of his words, her mind racing to figure out if it would be possible.

"There might be, but I'm not sure if you're experienced enough yet to teach me." L spoke hastily, about to suggest her idea when Frallica and her Craska suddenly attacked, forcing Robbie to fly up into the air.

"What do you need me to teach you?" Robbie asked as he lashed his tail at the Craska when they tried to follow and flank him.

"I need to know how your body felt when you transformed, what was going through your mind... that sort of thing. My knowledge is severely limited on your abilities."

They dropped back to the ground and the weight of the landing sent a small tremor through the road. Frallica and both of her Craska, along with some of the other groups of fighters, stumbled around from the vibrations. Using the slight distraction, Robbie tried to explain his new body to L, though he still didn't know exactly how it had happened in the first place. L knew she wouldn't be able to do it, they would have to think of something else while she fired magic at the Craska carrying Frallica.

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