5. Calculation in chaos
She is just passing by your office when she hears a scuffle from inside. There's a wad of papers in her hands and her hold loosens, eyes focusing on the deranged expression of your prey through the small glass window of your sanctuary's door. She tightens her grip and her heart clenches.
You, have lust painted on your lips. He, has fear closing him in.
How stupid of you to be so daring on school grounds! She's been watching for a minute, or is it two? I'm losing track of time but it doesn't matter, neither you or the boy have noticed your meddling onlooker.
Her movements are slow and shaky. The pile of sheets are now lying on the worn nylon carpet that enhances the hollowness between these walls. Her fingers fumble with the mobile phone that she retrieves from her inner breast pocket. Tremors take over her hands as she struggles to focus her camera on the scene, much like her mind. But, a slight manifestation of determination outwardly shines from her innermost psyche.
You're going down, tonight.
You lunge for him as he aims to distract you, knocking the photo frame of your once perfect family, onto the ground. The frame shatters and you almost laugh at his pitiful attempts to get away as his thigh collides with the corner of your desk. You think he's adorable, trying to delay his date with fate.
He clutches his limb in agony, a stinging pain spreads through his leg. One look at your semblance and his pupils constrict—survival instincts kick in.
You've played this scenario in your head, (the last few times it was foolproof) and so you hold a shard to his throat.
He gulps.
That's how you get a boy to give up.
Mental Detainment