93 nightmares

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"Sleep affiliation a new type of bacterial monster that block out your mind and makes the one infected bound to an endless sleep more or less they wake up after a day or two but from what I understand they always seem half asleep and can pass out at any period of time I've been studying this since becoming a junior its been one year and no leads people who are infected by this seem to always talk about the shadow at first this confused me but then I thought about it not a lot of people take this seriously even though a lot of people are affected by this other illnesses are blamed for it the flu the return of the black death and some type of eating disorder. The main concern I have is the fact that it seems as though my thoughts on the subject were wrong and I'll have to direct myself in a different path I heard that a group a kid a man an old couple and a girl seem to have survive something together they said they've never meet before and there were other's like them but when the press ask them where they meet they said in a dream all their family's said that their respected individual each had sleep affiliation but recovered none of them will talk about it now though they meet up even though their age group differ at a different spot each time this time its in a park here I had heard about this in a online chat room not a lot of people care but it seems rumor's are floating around.

I'm planning on skipping today's after school lessons I want to get their as fast as I can I didn't bring anyone with me no one like going near these people it was like they were from another world it turn people to run from them I seem to be the opposite of that group I investigate in wrap myself around it trying to unravel it. I sit in the back of the cab for  a couple minutes what would I say to them I don't know I've waited so long to talk to one of them and yet here I am sitting here worried out of my mind not wanting to get out but if I don't I won't get my question answered and the cabby already seem pissed when I got in. I climbed out taking out twenty dollars then one more asking him to come back in an hour he smiled shaking his head happily taking the money and driving off to pick someone else up. I stood their for a minute sighing still the butterfly's turned into ravage hornets as I turned around hearing the quiet discussion of them it was dark and a few cars sat their a few people inside them probably a concerned relative I calmly walk forward trying not to look like an idiot as I turn the corner towards the talking.

"you seem better" someone said "yeah I am" another voice said I kept walking I could see some shadows a little bit away "do you feel better old man" a kids voice said the old mans voice rang of laughter "child I moved faster than you did " laughter continued I walk forward a little more "don't go" I look to my left seeing a figure standing their "you'll regret it " I thought about it for a second was my fear getting to me more than I thought it was or was I standing next to someone "who are you" I ask "the same to you mister" someone said walking forward "why am I not allowed here" I ask it didn't make sense to argue with this person they stated their opinion and it was obviously against what I was here for a small girl stepped out of the shadows "before you ask I'm not with them but if they saw me they panic maybe throw up" she smiled "who are you then" she turn toward me more "if you go you'll find out " I stood their for a moment "wait here I want to ask you some question" she shrug "I may or may not be here once you get back".

I turn towards the voices again walking forward I entered the little garden they sat in each of them seem to have a different level of surprise on their face when I came out. "who are you" a child ask "I'm Jason Cellar since your the youngest boy your Luke Art the older looking guy is Tanner Filler the old man is George Tall and the old woman is Mary tall the girl their names Sarah Gate" no one said anything for a minute then George said something "Jason was it why do you know us" he said "you guy's had sleep affiliation I've study it for awhile now I've been trying to figure out a way to cure it" again silence "sit down" Tanner said a few seats were open but I felt I should sit on the ground I move one of the seats toward Luke and sat down "you felt it to huh" Sarah said to Mary who was looking at me oddly "yeah I did"  she said her voice was weak but firm she whispered something into Georges' ear and he shook his head.

I sat their discussing with them about what I knew but one by one they started to become silent "you said you've been stuck on what we mean by shadow right" tanner said "yes I didn't get it theirs no sign of delusion's in the subjects but" I stop Luke whispered something in tanner ear and his expression changed "what " I ask "when you came here was anyone else their" he ask me " I thought she was strange but yeah a girl about the same age as Luke" their face's changed color "did she what she wanted" I shook my head "no she didn't she just told me that I'd regret getting near you guys " I said they look at each other "you can see her" George ask I nodded "why" I ask before George answer a hand grab my shoulder I turn seeing the girl and some others "dad you ok" a man ask George "yeah fine son tell me can you see that girl" he ask pointing toward her he look over shaking his head

everyone can you see them " everyone in the circle face had gotten more pale but the people outside were looking for the girl. "Do you see why I didn't come out now" she said I stood up "can you tell me who you are" I ask she didn't respond "can you tell me who you are or not" she sighed then grinned "you'll find out soon enough " she walk backwards into the shadows and she seemed to vanish I felt like she was gone as well "guy's who was that" I said turning "I think she" a punch from George's son "you son of a bitch what did you do to make them see that" he roared at me I pushed him off "get the hell off me I didn't do anything" I look at them "did I" I ask questionably?


For minutes they didn't answer then Sarah look at me and said "you met the shadow" and I felt a thing of laughter right behind me but when I turned around all I saw was my shadow increased in size because of the faulty lighting in the garden "can you tell me what her name is though I like to ask her some question's" I turned around to talk to them but they were gone in their place was a large fog other things wandered inside screams and grunts of animals I couldn't describe I started back but stop turning once again I realized that everything had vanished in the park now a large city stood in front of me like the one I lived in it look exactly like it wait it was the same city maybe dammit I can't tell a chuckle from behind me again I turned my head but still it was just my I stop my shadow was gone what the hell was going on here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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