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This au is just a world of it's own.

  The story originally happened many years ago, so long ago that barely anyone remembers it. Long ago, there existed a land where monsters and humans lived together. There were monsters and humans with good feelings towards each other, working together to raise society. However equally, there were monsters and humans with bad feelings towards each other, jealousy, envy, and hatred in their hearts. In order to control the balance of the souls of the beings that populated the earth, a giant tree came from the very bowels of the earth. It had golden and dark fruits. The golden fruits were full of good feelings and the black ones of the very opposite so that no one could abuse any of the parts and there could be harmony in the world .  

 Dream!Sans was created from the light excluded by the tree of dreams, better known as the tree of feelings. Even though his name is Sans, he's rather called Dream, named after the tree that gave him life. Dream has no monster or human soul. He possesses all the good emotions of every living thing, including monsters, humans, etc. Dream works together with Ink , who creates artwork of the AU's and protects them, while Dream fills them with happiness and love. He has a twin brother named Nightmare.  

 Nightmare is deceiving, erratic, and unpredictable

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 Nightmare is deceiving, erratic, and unpredictable.  As a child, he cared about his brother, his homeland, and the tree that gave them life. Through comics, something happened to Nightmare, making him grow tentacles and start coughing up black goop. He stated that he hates Dream and wants to kill him. Some may think that Dream is, in some way, responsible for whatever happened to Nightmare.The tree spirit created him to protect the tree (the side for negative feelings). Together with his brother, Dream, they both protected the tree as guardians. As time went on, people traveled from far and wide to get just one golden fruit from his brother. Nightmare envied his brother because no one would take a fruit from his side of the tree. One day, he took a fruit from his brother's side, to show he could take care of it. But a being who is filled with negative feelings will turn the apple into a bad one. Then, he corrupted the rest of his brother's tree. Everyone blamed Nightmare, and he ate all the fruits from his tree. That is when Nightmare became the one we know of now.He also is completely unable to enter positive AUs, like Haventale. A barrier prevents him from entering. A similar thing happens to Dream with Horrortale.

  As stated by Jokublog( the creator), both his and Nightmare's birthday is December 21st

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  As stated by Jokublog( the creator), both his and Nightmare's birthday is December 21st.  

Most popular character:???

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