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Flowerfell is a sub-AU to Underfell, created by Siviosanei, where every time Frisk dies, the timelines reset. When they return to life, a buttercup grows on their body. The flowers can't be removed because it will hurt Frisk. Frisk stays pacifist through the whole thing. Only Sans and Flowey are aware of the timelines being reset. After several times Sans has killed Frisk, they still showed him kindness. This eventually leads Sans to feel compassionate towards the human, realizing that the "kill or be killed" mantra of Underfell isn't necessarily correct. He accompanies Frisk to the barrier. Frisk is also portrayed as 18+ years in this AU. Flowerfell began when Sanei and her friends shared a few musings over late nights of role playing. The earliest posts on the Siviosanei blog tagged Flowerfell were on January 4, 2016.

I would really love to tell you the story, but I don't want to spoil it for you. And if you want to know about the story, it's pretty sad.

 And if you want to know about the story, it's pretty sad

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