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I stuck my head out the window and watched the car pull down the stony driveway of my Granny's cottage. I breathed in the salty sea air. The crisp wind hit me and the breeze swept through my hair. I pulled open the door to the cottage. I was greeted by the welcoming smell of warm bread in the oven and the steaming kettle boiling. My Granny pulled us each into a tight hug. I sniffed her powdery perfume smell. Grandad shook our hands, he had a firm grip. My parents started chatting to them about everything that had happened since last Summer. I heard the waves crashing against the golden sand. This was where I truly felt at home. I grabbed my bags and made my way upstairs. We each had our own room in the cottage. It was our second home. I hauled my bags up the stairs and opened the creaky door to my bedroom. I couldn't believe a whole year had passed since I had been here last. I sighed happily and dropped my bags to the floor. I flopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. My mind was full of happy thoughts but there was just one problem that stayed in the back of my mind. Why was my brother acting so strange? I heard his footsteps approaching me so I opened the door. "This is lovely isn't it" I said. "Mmm..." he murmured and brushed past me, them slammed his bedroom door in my face. (A/N) sorry not much happened in this chapter!:)

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