These feelings chapter 18

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Sonic stared at her still blushing.
"So sonic," she started
"Yeah?" He said
"Could I ask you a favour?," as she asked this she turned a little red on her cheeks.
"What is it?" He asked hoping she was gonna say something along the lines of him to hang out with her as he thought this he started to turn a bit red too.
"Could u Uhm.." she started
"Maybe Uhm" she turned more red
"What is it?"
"L-let go of my arm p-please?"
Sonic went really red as he had realised he hadn't let go of Amy's arm and how close they really were he looked down to her lips and wanted to move closer and didn't know why but decided to move back and let go still blushing after all he was dating Sally Amy couldn't be more than a simple nerd who helped him with his work but is that really all he saw her as?
Sonic kissed Amy's cheek making her go more red, "wanna Uhm walk with me Uhm home? A-after school I mean" he gushed
"S-sure," she said really red and smiled back," c-c-c u Uhm l-later!"
*he watched Amy run off to the canteen going redder by the second* he didn't understand what was this feeling?! He never felt this way about ANYONE before and as much as he hated to admit it not even his own girlfriend, Sally acorn made him ever feel what he was feeling and he couldn't get Amy out of his brain for a second. Meanwhile Amy was sitting down in the canteen reading her book as always but this time it was different she couldn't concentrate on the words and only thought of sonic and the warm soft kiss he had placed on her cheek. She gushed and wasn't even reading or eating her food anymore. Both of them kept asking themselves one question.
"What is this feeling?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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