The One

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As he woke up in a new world Jay knew he wasn't in Agape anymore. He remembered his mission briefing "Infiltrate the laboratory, retrieve The Soul Gems, leave with minimum casualties." Even though this was a training simulation he could be really hurt if he triggers one alarm. His title "The One" confused him. "The One what?" He wondered. He walked through snow for what seemed like years when he finally came to the entrance of the laboratory. He remembered what Tahsha had said after the briefing. "Give em a show you're more than you know." "I'll give them a show all right." He said to himself. He stopped time around him, literally and slowly dissected the alarm lasers. He could see the lasers even though they should have been invisible to the naked eye. He also saw a rat about 600 feet away eating cheese from a mouse trap. "Where have I seen that cliche before?" He asked aloud. He resumed time after coming to the chamber of the Soul Gems. He remembered not to touch any other than his with bare hands for fear of being transformed into a chanclice, a human-beast hybrid. "Becoming a chanclice probably isn't so bad." Jay remembered Loudre. One of his best friends, the other one being Senpai. "Just don't fuck up!" Senpai said. "Get the gems, don't go clu clunk clunk." Loudre said. "Man my friends suck." He said looking at the crysywatch that allowed him to communicate with them. "Shut the fuck up asshole" said Senpai. He picked up his Soul Gem and telekinetically placed the others into a container.

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