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After the mission he went back to headquarters. "Well that was in record time Jay!" Commander Zero said. Commander Zero is the leader of the Onslaught Résistance. Stern and cold in the control room but lively and fun at rest. "Thank you commander", Jay said. As he left the control room he headed for the revitalization center. "Being without my soul gem for too long will kill me" he thought. Sprinting full speed he hit a wall and realized he had literally ran into his rival Sigma's forcefield. "Oh. 'Sup asshole." Sigma said in his extremely deep voice. "Oh nothing, you know just slowly dying because of lack soul power. What about you Doge." Jay said. Sigma snarled, he hated the way Jay made fun of him being born a werepyre. "Your lucky I can't kill you right now" Sigma mocked. "Like you ever could." Jay took off before Sigma could say another word.

Jay woke up in a Rejuvenation pod and thats when he saw Tahsha in her combat outfit. Tahsha was already really pretty and had a beautiful body. She didn't really like clothes though. Her combat suit was a two piece battle suit, the top half just big enough to cover her voluptuous breasts and the bottom half really short hot pants. Considering that her elemental control was over fire she wouldn't need much in the now fully set in winter of Agape. Jay couldn't help but stare at her even though they had been dating for almost a year. Without looking at him she said "Put your eyes back in their sockets Jay I can sense you staring." Jay had also forgotten that while in a rejuvenation pod the rejuvenationee was naked. As if reading his mind she said "Yes, i just finished my yearly training and yes pods hold two people so make some room for me and if you so much as look at my naked body I will gouge your eyes out." She gave him her "I will kill you" smile. Tahsha was the only person that he really feared in the OR.

After recovering, he went to the spot where he hung out with Loudre and Senpai. He found them eating his lunch with theirs still untouched. "Oh hey asshat's back." Senpai said. "What's up butthole?" Loudre asked cynically. "Stop eating my lunch fuckfaces!" Jay exclaimed with more anger than he wanted, so much that he shook the entire headquarters. "Hey, easy now! Don't kill us!" Senpai exclaimed, fearing for his life. "Afraid of a little time based earthquake are we? Don't be such a little bitch! This is nothing compared to real combat!" Jay yelled at his friends. Sometimes he forgot that even though they were his friends, they were also his subordinates as he was leuitenant of their squad The Organization. They were the best squad, the members consisted of Senpai, Loudre, Tahsha, Sigma, Yuki, and Jay their leader. Little did they know that a fight was coming to them.

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