Cherubs: Part 1

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"Only the Righteous shall enter the Kingdom of God!"

I awoke to a deep, demonic voice screaming in my ear. I nearly fell out of bed from the shock of the booming voice ringing in my head. Breathing heavily, I looked frantically around the dark room. I was alone, of course.

I can't keep lying to myself, the voices are coming back. I didn't think it would be so soon. I thought I would have more time.

Let me back up a bit. I'm a fifteen-year-old boy living in a small town in west Texas. I live with my mom and step-dad. We are good, old-fashioned, non-denominational, fire and brimstone Christians and I am schizophrenic. Other than all that, my life sucks. Well, to be more specific, I have a schizophreniform disorder. Not that it makes much difference. All that means is that I just haven't had it long enough yet to be called schizophrenic. To become a full-fledged member of the Real Housewives of Schizophrenia, I would need to have shown the symptoms for at least six months.

In the beginning, I would hear stuff now and then; it was all harmless and quite honestly, it was no big deal; you know, whatever. Then it started getting worse and louder. The voices would whisper constantly and say scary things to me. Sometimes they would scream in my ear without warning. I saw hands coming out of the walls and ceilings. Ghostly faces would charge at me and disappear just before reaching me. I couldn't wash my hands because of the eye that would look at me from the drain. Last year it came all crashing down and I lost it. I ended up in one of those special hospitals for over a month. I thought my life was over, but you know what? It got better. I don't like how the medicine makes me feel, but it calms my head and clears my thoughts. My doctor is really cool and he seems to really understand me; not just about medicine and stuff, but about just being a kid. I see him a lot and I am learning things like coping skills and how to reality check my thoughts before I lose control. It has been eight months now and I am back in school and everything was going well for me. That is, until two days ago when my parents told me that I didn't need to take my medicine any more.

Four months ago, my parents joined a small church new to town. My mom and stepdad have always been religious, but they really got into this church and before I knew it, we were going to church every Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Soon it was all about church and God. Nothing else was allowed because we were "not of the world" anymore and everything else was evil and from the Devil.

Now, you might think that my condition would make me susceptible to the scary things about religion, but it never did. I think some people are just born as skeptics. Maybe, it is because of my love for history and science and the fact that the internet has given me access to limitless information to find my own answers. Maybe, I hate my disease so much that the thought of invisible people watching me and appearing in visions makes me afraid. Maybe, my brain just can't accept talking snakes, Noah's Ark, or walking on water. The church, religion, and faith: those are my parent's beliefs. It's not for me; I just don't have a choice about it right now.

Honestly, I really hate the way it has changed my parents and I miss the way they used to be.

It was three Sundays ago when it started getting weird. The sermon was typical- everything is evil, gays are an abomination, the Devil is getting stronger, and Jesus is coming back soon. The pastor, Brother Carl, enthusiastically told his congregation that the end was coming soon and joyfully promised that God was going to punish all the sinners for their wicked ways. Soon church members began to "feel the spirit" of the holy ghost. They were in the aisles with their hands raised up. They were wailing and asking Jesus for forgiveness. Others began to speak in tongues, which really freaked me out. The preacher then began "laying hands" on people. He would place his hands on a person's forehead, pray loudly, and then shove the person backward into the arms of the deacons. The person would then fall to the ground and flops around for a bit. They say that happens when "the power of the Holy Spirit goes into a person's body and it's so overwhelming that the person collapses to the floor. They call that being "slain in the spirit."

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