What you first thought of him

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What you first thought of him


You thought he was really quiet and shy at first because he hardly ever spoke around you and when he did he would always end up blushing afterwards. But you later got told thats because he thought you were cute which made you blush whenever you were around him.


You thought Calum was really outgoing and curagous but this was mainly because he would always talk to you and no matter how embarrasing it was he would always act cool.


You thought Ashton was funny and weird when you first met him as he was always making jokes and just being generally weird. But thats what you love about him the most.


You thought Michael was boring at first. That was for two reasons. First he was always playing games and second because he would never talk to you or let you play but once you got to know him better, mainly when he was with the other guys and they forced him to talk to you, you discovered he was the complete opposite.

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