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a good way to escape your reality is to find comfort in it. most distract themselves with hobbies, or work. some exercise, or maybe they're into gardening, so they do so. some are more artistic and expressive and they use their bodies to show emotion and put their mind into concentrating on one thing: their next move. there are also those who paint, using their creativity and patience to create a beautiful something out of nothing but an image in their minds. there are those who sing and create music, also trying to get away from what is reality.

you see, there are many ways you can escape reality - for a while, that is. but, those only last for a while. and now that i think of it, nothing really lasts forever.

that thought planted into louis' head as the end of the joyful day came into an end and cora had said she needed to head home. he knew it was selfish of him to keep her from leaving, but he just really wanted to keep talking about incredible artists and movies and places in the world. he wanted her next to him for just a few more hours so he wouldn't need to go home and face reality again. he wanted to stay there with his escape, hearing her speak and laugh and watch her do all those hand gestures she does when she speaks.

"well, it was good getting to know you, louis," she sweetly said as she held her brown purse

stuffed with her book and journal inside,"you're not so bad. you know, after i got over the fact you hit me in the head with a football and all that."

"same to you, cora." said he laughing and smiling, still not over how wonderful it felt to say her name.

"i'll see you around," she emptily promised.

"promise?" he pathetically asked with hope. he just needed to make sure, he needed to be positive that he would see her eyes and smile again.

"i don't know about promises, for all we know i could get kidnapped and shipped to mexico walking home and you'll never catch a glimpse of me again," she laughed at the end and so did he, just slightly. he knew she was only joking, but the thought of that actually happening sickened his mind and made him want to hide her in his closet and feed her cookies, away from danger and bad people.

but he knew he couldn't do that - and he wouldn't. he wasn't that insane.

"yeah, let's just hope i'll see you next saturday," and she found it quite odd that he knew she came every saturday. but still, she smiled and nodded.

"bye, louis,"

"goodbye, bench girl."

and she laughed, making his worries about not seeing her soon, escape his mind.

. . .

cora had always been more of a nocturnal person which meant she almost always stayed up till it wasn't any longer 'today' but 'tomorrow'. and mornings were just hard to get by for her. but she had to get up because she had responsibilities as a college student. she had to get up.

after doing just so (of course, she had a coffee cup to help her and 5 more minutes in bed after the alarm annoying beeped to get her by the 20 minutes it took her to get ready) she walked out the door of her apartment she shared with a quiet girl named joey and headed to campus.

it wasn't such an awful thing, college. i mean, the responsability and pressure was 10x worse but she didn't really have anyone who expected much from her but herself.

being born an orphan with no close relatives (or so they said) nor siblings made it that way. she had always been one to be alone. cora felt as if she needed to feel bothered by the fact she had no family, only an old couple whom had adopted her at age 13. but, there was only uncle serge now and he had muted himself after aunt nancy's death.

maybe she was just used to being left alone.

fortunately, she had never been one see life pesimistically nor ever frowned so deeply at her past since she knew she could do nothing about it. crying wouldn't give her parents. screaming wouldn't bring nancy back. both those emotions would just make her weak. and cora was not weak.

she sighed, walking into her literature class. the room was half filled with desks and chairs as the other half contained free walking space and mr. larkin's (a 50 something year old buffy guy with an english accent [damn, that reminded her of louis and his sorta-pitchy-but-not-pitchy voice] who always talked so proper - which she liked) desk, with a chalk board ready to be written on behind it.

the room had already gotten crowdy, filled with people with ambitions and dreams, and her. cora just trying to be normal and get by.

"cora?" what? turning around, cora frozed. she frowned surprisingly since she hadn't yet met a person on campus - atleast not one whom she had told them her name. she had only transfered two months ago from new york, anyway. so, why did someone with a ridiculously familiar voice just called her name?

"louis?" she asked with so much disbelief, the whole room probably felt the surprised emotion she currently possesed. "what are you doing here?" she asked, putting a piece of her dark hair behind her ear as she held her book closer to her chest.

"i'm - uh, taking this class this semester..." he trailed on, amazed by how cute she looked in the morning with her slightly swollen eyes.

"how old are you?" she asked. she knew he had to be about her age but she always assumed he was older. this class was obligated to only freshmen.

"22," he smoothly replied, grinning. was it pathetic he always felt special when she asked questions about himself? "i never finished college. took a gap year and, yeah," he added with a shrug, slightly embarrased.

"oh." she said, not really as surpised. letting the new information sink in she sat down on an empty desk,"for a second there i thought you were stalking me." she laughed, then frowned,"you're not, are you?" she quizzically asked

he couldn't help but laugh. he hadn't planned this at all. it was all a surprise - a lovely surprise at that- on his side, too. he did not expect to see her again. not so soon, atleast.

"i swear i'm not. this is just pure coincidence." he replied, looking at the empty chair next to her and deciding to take it.

she smiled, and looked down."that's a relief,"

and why the hell was he so tingly from just a smile?

cora wasn't feeling any different either. she could swear the whole fucking flock of pigeons in the whole country was currently flying - or more like exploting- inside her stomach. she felt weak at her knees as he swiftly sat down beside her with a sigh.

'why the hell am i acting like a total teenaged girl, right now?' she asked herself.

maybe she was weak after all. atleast around him, she was.

"or fate," louis said after a moment of silence and thought, brushing his untamed hair - he had been far too late to style it and he continuously praised zayn for hurrying him out the door since he would have probably missed the chance to see cora if he hadn't- to the side and smiling as confidently as he could although he was mentally jumping up and down like an over-excited teenage girl getting asked to prom.

"or fate," she repeated, a fluttering and comfortable emotion settleing in her as she looked up into his eyes. wow, he had really pretty eyes.

yeah. he totally made her weak.

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