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i think cora and louis could both agree that was the best literature class they had ever had. throughtout it all, both would occasionally make jokes about mr. larkin's beard and how he had seemingly forgot to brush it down today (as weird as it sounds, he had mentioned he did that multiples times. apperantly it kept it from getting 'frizzy.'), or they muttered down repitations of fancy phrases or words the english professor would say here and there.

"i wonder what sort of brush he uses to comb down that white old beard." louis had mumbled to beside to cora, close to her ear. it went oblivious to louis the chills that ran down her spine as he spoke oh so close to her."probably something that won't 'damage the end of his chin hair'." he said as fancily as he could.

she laughed and said,"probably. whatever shampoo he uses, he should totally recommend it to me. maybe then i'll have some iniciative to brush mine down for once." she said as lowly as she could muster.

"i- i think your hair is perfect like that," louis said, looking straight at her, completely ignoring the fact that someone beside them had already complained and 'shhh'd them.

"the two of you back there, if you have no strain whatsoever for this class and wish to not participate nor hear of my lectures then you are both welcomed to leave and save us the incommedence of hearing you hoolagans constantly bicker about my beard." mr.larkin's said calmly and collected as he swiftly turned around, a simple white coffee cup in his hand. mr. larkin's was a very simple man. in fact, he knew what he like and did not, but was never picky if trying something new. he was a collected man, strict, yet easy going. he was one of cora's favorite professors, in fact, maybe her top favorite. maybe that was why she felt completely humiliated as he called their attention.

"someone hasn't had their beard stroked in a long time," louis muttered lowly so only the olive skinned beauty beside him would hear. cora stiffled a laugh as she tried to remain serious for her and louis' sake.

"what was that, mr.-" mr. larking said with daring wrinkly eyes.


"yes, mr. tomlinson, would you like to share whatever you carelessly whispered to miss stevens right there beside you?"

"i didn't say anything, proffesor larkins."

"that's what i predicted. now, will you do us all a favor and remain silent?" he demanded. the whole class had their fixed gazes on the pair as the professor silently egged for louis to answer back again. cora uncomfortably shifted in her seat as she felt everyone's attention fixate on herself.

"i-uh- we'll stay quiet." louis spoke. cora embarrasingly hung her head as a giggle escaped her mouth. nervous habit.

"the command was implied. okay, now class, let's proceed with the classic literature composition by one of my most favorite writers..."

and mr. larkins was probably saying something very important, most definitely something they should have heard but i think both were to captivated by each others smiles and eyes to care.

after that eventful class, louis asked,"so, what are you doing now?" he ran his hand through his hair, a spare book on his left hand. the side which cora had been standing by.

"uh, i think i have psychocology now. yeah, but that's for like, not another 30 minutes so i'm probably gonna sit somewhere around campus and write or something." cora said looking down to her feet, noticing louis' worned out black vans.

"would it be weird if i acompannied you? i have music history and i think its close to mrs. marx classroom."

"you're taking music history?" cora asked curiously, interested.

"yeah. that and music composition as well as literature and theater." louis proudly said, smiling softly at cora who nodded, letting the information sink. she tried to make sense of it, but really it seemed like a mixture of random subjects. plus, louis didn't seem like someone interested in the dramatics.

"they don't seem to have anything in common, louis." she said laughing and looking up at him, she was surpised to find him already staring down at her. she silently cursed the sky for being as dimly blue as his eyes were that day. a beautiful gray blue. 'damn you, louis, and you're beauty.' she spoke to herself.

"but they do. i want to specialize in music, right? so i take literature because i get very inspired with lyrics as i read and i assumed it would also help with my grammar when it came to composing music, too, you know?" why was it that whatever he said in whatever way he said it, always made sense?

"well, that makes sense, but what about theater?"

"my mum always said i had a gift when it came to 'dramatizing' and shit like that, plus maybe with that i could have a chance in broadway or something." he said. it seemed like almost a joke what he said, but cora could definitely notice that inside that pretty little head of his, he thought that he may had a slim chance because 'you never know'. cora then learned that louis was definitely a dreamer.

"now, i get it." she said as they both descended down a pair of stairs. he nodded and smiled, memorizing the way she looked as she started to completely wake up. "why music?"

"what do you mean?"

"like, why did you choose music? why do you do music? why is your passion, music? why do you want to make music your whole future and life?" she said, smiling and looking up at his blue eyes, trying to memorize how they dilated when he heard the word 'music'. she had learned in psychology that people's eyes dilated whenever they hear, think, or see something they loved, liked, or found enjoyment, satisfaction, happiness, in it.

louis chuckled before proceeding,"its actually a very silly reason." he said, shaking his head.

"it can't be that silly."

"oh, but it is."

"i still want to know, though," and louis still found it flattering and nerve-wraking how she for some odd reason, wanted to get to know him. truth was, cora found louis completely captivating. whether it was his humor or mind or words or ways to explain stuff or maybe it was his eyes and smile, she yet didn't know. she definitely knew though, that louis tomlinson was completely and utterly interesting.

"when i was around 9, i met this girl whose name was penny. she had blonde hair and green eyes and a birthmark behind her ear that looked slightly like a map of south america. i developed a crush on her and everytime she ran by me on p.e. or recess, or asked for my blue crayon, or maybe let me borrow her pink scissors, i would always want to sing or listen to happy music." cora listened intentally, her eyes not leaving louis' reminiscing face as he smiled at the memory and chuckled. louis found humor in his childhood emotions, and found it even funnier how he felt exactly the same way right now, beside cora."and, i don't know, i assumed that if everytime i felt happy i wanted to do music, then doing music should make me happy." he finished, smiling sadly at the ground, knowing that music could help with many emotions and do many things about his mood, but it could never fix everything. "silly enough?" he asked, daring to look at cora whom was smiling a smile he had never seen before.

"nothing you ever say could ever be silly."

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