freakin' nerds

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(no we're totally not the gods of your universe what no)

"How are we gonna get there?" Jordan followed Johnny Ghost (paranormal investigator extraordinaire) down the hallway.

"We're gonna take the TARDIS."

"Wait, wasn't the TARDIS a yacht?" He asked.

"Well it was," Ghost explained. "But then Spooker had a second's worth of a good idea and changed it to a beer cooler. Actually," He said thinking. "It wasn't a very good idea because now we don't know the different between normal coolers, and I have accidentally stepped in a full cooler that was not a TARDIS at least three times!"

Johnny Ghost stopped in the middle of the hall. "What are we doing again? RIGHT! GOT IT! We're going to the TARDIS cooler, and then we're gonna see if you're a good paranormal investigator. But not the best cuz," He scoffed. "Let's be honest here, no one can be a better paranormal investigator than me."

"Hey! I could totally do as good, if not better than you at paranormal investigating!"

"We'll see, man. We'll see."

Jordan couldn't help smiling. Here he was, talking to a character that he made up. Johnny Ghost was just there and it blew Jordan's mind. And now they were in front of a TARDIS, camouflaged to look like a cooler! How is that even possible?

"Hey, Jordan! Is anybody in there? Come on! Move your butt and get in here!"

And now Ghost was climbing down a ladder into it like it was on a submarine! Except! It was a TARDIS! WHAT IS GOING ON? OH MY GOSH EVERYTHING IS GREAT WHAT IS LIFE OH MY GOSH!


Oh right. The bigger on the inside freak-out thing. The moment every Whovian dreams of. Time to give it your best shot.

"It's bigger on the inside! Oh my gosh I did not expect anything of the sort! What is going on? My spatial reasoning is completely rubix cubed! And by that I mean it is completely jumbled up and it's gonna take Isaac like ten minutes to solve! Except not because he's a boss! How do people even do that? It's impossible! Rubix cubes are the real defiers of logic. Defiers? That doesn't even sound right... I mean, TARDIS! Omg!"

Ghost stared at him. "That is not what I expected at all. How. How did you even make a- I don't even know what that was! That was so bad!" Ghost laughed. Jordan couldn't help but laugh too.

"It was pretty bad wasn't it? I thought it was fitting! Come on, you can't go into a TARDIS without freaking out a little!"

"You shoulda seen Toast when we stepped in here. He did a whole spiel about it, y'know? It was great."

"You made a big deal about it too!"

"Yeah..." Ghost confessed. "Yeah I did. But how would you know?"

"Oh.. you know! Everyone freaks out when they go in a TARDIS right?" Jordan nervously presented the lame excuse.

"Yeah. Yeah that's a fact. That is a statistically proven fact. Except for children. Children are weird."

Jordan awkwardly coughed before his double could continue with his monologue.

"Y'know we've just been... kinda standin' here for a while. Shouldn't we get this show on the road?"

"Right. I could have just hit this button and we could have been here five minutes ago. Boop!"

Woorsh. Woorsh. Woorsh. The cooler disappear from between the two drink machines. Some newbie ginger abandoned whatever conversation she was having with another certain investigator to see the last of the color dissipate. Because Doctor Who is really cool. Who wouldn't rush to see a TARDISC(ooler) leave?


(in the same boat with 'freakin' hot pink, man')

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