Chapter 7

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"We're going to list it." The couple on TV says smiling at each other. David smiles a smug smile.

"What. The. F**K!" I yell at the TV.  "Hillary spent all this time fixing a house for you making it f-ing amazing, and you want to sell it?!"

"Hey, calm down!" Brittan says, touching my shoulder. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. Why? Oh...oh no. This can't be happening. I like Brittana. I mentally face palm. She can't accept she's gay, so she'll never like me.

"Are you ok?" Brittan asks. "You look like you've just seen a ghost." I shake my head.

"Yea, I'm fine." I say weakly. She gives me a concerned look. A cute concerned look. Why mind? Why are you like this? I look at the clock.

"Hey, will you look at the time!" I say, changing the subject. "It's 6:50, we should start heading back to the dinning hall." Everyone nods in agreement. We stand up, turn the TV off, and walk out the door.

The walk there is silent. It's not an awkward silence. It's a...nice silence.

We walk in and our jaws drop. The dinning hall has been completely changed. Instead of the four long tables, there is lots tables that sit two people.

Brother Shawn walks up to us.

"Good evening," He says in a sophisticated, rich person voice. "may I show you to your table?" He asks. Daniel and I try to hold back laughs. Brittan and Sam are giving him strange looks.

"Uhh, sure." I say, through snickers.

"I will sit you and Sam first." He says. I look at Sam. He seems uncomfortable. I am too.

We snake around lots of tables. Some have people sitting at them. Some people are talking and some people are just sitting in(probably awkward)silence.

"Here is your table, have a nice dinner." Brother Shawn says, walking back to Brittan and Daniel. That's when Sam bursts out laughing.

"Maybe he should go through this camp, because that was the gayest thing I've ever been put through!"

Now I'm laughing. People around us are starting to laugh too, and soon everyone is laughing.

"Hey!" Brother Shawn yells. "Stop laughing, and get to know your date!"

I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish by saying that, but whatever it was, it didn't work. Everybody laughed harder.

After about five minutes, the laughing died down, and the atmosphere was a little less awkward.

Finally the food came. We got a hotdog, and mac and cheese. A crappy hotdog and cheep store bought mac n' cheese.

"This is for dinner?!" I ask. "Where is the complaint box? Where can I stick a crappy one star?!" I fold my arms and stare at the plate in disgust. I look around, other people weren't too pleased either.

I sigh and pick up my hotdog. I didn't even get ketchup. What kind of diner is this?!

"What do you think of this amazing five star dinner?" I ask sarcastically. He laughs.

"It's divine." He says taking a bite out of the hotdog. His face twists into disgust, and he spits the hotdog out "bleh! Get that horrible taste out of my mouth."

Hope For a Straighter Future (girlxgirl)(lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now