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3 months Later

It's been 3 months since Hinata went into her coma. The first few weeks I would cry nonstop. I've got past that stage. Now I'm at the stage where I begin to shut everyone out of my life.

I can't remember the last time when Sasuke or Sakura and I have actually talked.

My job seems less important these days. I usually only go in about once a week for maybe 3 hours.

What can I say, Hinata is my top, absolute top priority. I'm constantly by her bedside, multiple people have told me to go back to work and not worry but that's pretty much impossible.

And here I am now, still at her bedside, holding her hand and reading her favorite book 'If I Stay' out loud in hopes that she can hear me.

"If you stay, I'll do whatever you want. I'll quit the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I'll do that, too. I was talking to Liz and she said maybe coming back to your old life would be too painful, that maybe it'd be easier for you to erase us. And that would suck, but I'd do it. I can lose you like that if I don't lose you today. I'll let you go. If you stay." I read.

I don't know why she liked this book. It was sad. And it's ironic because it's kind of like the situation she's in. I read several more chapters until I came across some sentences that I felt like screaming to Hinata.

"Love, it never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. Love can make you immortal." I whispered the ending.

My grip on her hand tightened as I whispered those very same words over and over to her.

"Love can make you immortal. Please let my love reach you Hinata, please continue to fight for your life. Love can make you immortal!"

Then, as if she heard my words, her hand twitched. Her hand twitched.


It did it again but stronger this time.

"Continue to do that Princess. Please wake up."

As if on cue, she shot forward, now sitting up in her bed.


"You're awake! YOU'RE AWAKE!!" I exclaimed.

I went in to hug her but the stupid doctors came rushing into the room.

"Sir, can you please leave so we can check her vitals and see how she is doing?" A nurse said.

"Y-yeah sure." I backed out of the room and waited by the door.

I tapped my foot in anticipation as I waited for the doctors to finish.

"We have finished Mr. Uzumaki you can now see her. Ah, but one thing before you go. The removal of the brain tumor has caused some slight amnesia. She won't remember much of anything that has happened in the past year or so." The doctor told me.

"Ugh, just great. It's as if I'm in a stupid book with a stupid plot where the stupid author causes the love interest of a main character to have amnesia." I muttered to myself before entering her room again.

"What are you doing here?" Hinata asked coldly with a glare. That's right, she still hated me a year ago.

"W-Well you see Hinata, you are currently suffering from amnesia from your brain surgery. You should gain your memories back in a few days." I replied nervously.

"Why don't I believe you? Oh wait, maybe its because you're a liar."

"Hinata, I'm telling the truth. Look, you may not believe me now. But I will find a way to make you love me again. Unless you'd rather wait until you got your memories back."

"Yeah well until my 'memories' come back, you are still my ex, and I still hate you." She scoffed.

"I'm going to make hating me a hard job to do Princess."

"We'll see Mr. Hotshot. Now can you leave so I can get some rest. Being in a coma really drains your energy." Hinata said before laying back down on her bed.

I left the room and took out my cellphone. I punched in Sasuke's number and hit call.

"Hello?" I heard Sasuke ask.

"Sasuke, is Sakura with you right now?" I asked.

"Yeah why? Dude you never call us anymore, is something up?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes, something is up, and her name is Hinata."

A/N...Sorry if this chapter was cheesy, but I love 'If I Stay', so I thought I'd add it in.

You guys are the best, thank you so much for the reads, votes and the comments. See ya next chapter...

Sayonara Minna!!

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