Lacrosse game

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Scott woke up early not wanting to be late for his first lacrosse game of the season knowing that he'll be benched but look at the bright side at least he got stiles to entertain him.Before the game started coach introduced the chosen captain,chuck bass,"okay guys go out there and kick there buts"coach said."sorry"Scott apologized for bumping into Allison."hey aren't you the new girl ," " yeah," she replied." gotta go don't want coach getting all know..see you around Allison that's your name right," " yep that's my name,"then she walked away waving him goodbye and all Scott could think about was how beautiful she is."hey dude what's taking you so long come one lets go,"stiles said destroying his thoughts.
"What not again HEY DONT JUST STAND THERE DO SOMETHING USEFUL!!!" Coach said angrily disappointed." Okay Scott I know that you suck at lacrosse but 2 of our players got injured huh this school team is just aggressively good and I hate that so your in and don't suck" "wait what really"Scott replied with excitement after all his freshman year benched this sophomore year he's not."yeah go dude go kick some ass"stiles said happy for him.
"Okay I got this I got this don't doubt yourself your better than Chuck Bass,not even close but I still got this oof "Scott said."Go"There game had started.Scott just watched Chuck and the other school scoring point over and over again until out of the blue the ball was thrown towards him and surprisingly he caught it and next thing he knew he scored at total of 21 points leaving his school winning."I never doubted you I alway knew you were good you made me proud,"coach said thanking him."woah that was incredible you were incredible how was this down,"stiles said mind blown.After coach walked alway to receive his award Chuck bass stepped up and said "so what kind of drugs are you using huh but because you just couldn't get this good out of nowhere" "I don't use drugs,"Scott replied." You don't fool me but I'll find out don't worry."
"Your very good like woah impressive at the game tonight"Allison said to Scott." Thank know that party Chuck is having this Saturday..I was thinking of you wanted to go with me.." "Sure I don't see why not"Allison responded."okay cool so you at school tomorrow" "yeah bye" when Scott made sure that Allison was out of sight he jumped up and down like crazy"I can't believe she said yes" he kept saying to himself.
"Hey stiles,I have to tell you something important" "yes dude what is it" "I've been feeling like I'm not like a full human lately since the strange bite and tried telling myself that it wasn't real but it was and that's why I texted you telling you that i wasn't feeling well so I could leave."Then Scott explained how it all happened." "That is so AMAZING no wonder why you suddenly got so good at lacrosse but don't worry cause you know what this mean"stiles said all excited."It means RESEARCH TIME"
Hi guys I know that I haven't posted in a long while but I hoped that u enjoyed this second chapter and please tell your friends who have wattpad to read this I'll really appreciate that thank you

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