Chapter one

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Like many days, I find myself at Big Macs Milkshake bar. It's a great place to sit and think about how my life turned out the way it did because it's in the middle of know where, and every one who comes here are either bikers, or people traveling to the nearest city.

But I am neither biker nor traveling to the nearest city. I come to Big Macs almost every day for a coffee, and the occasional biscuit, to sit at the same booth, to look out at the same view, and just think and draw in a crappy little note book.

There's something about Big Macs that is almost like meditation to me. Maybe it's that the bar hasn't been refurbished since the 50s (and probably hasn't been cleaned since then aswell). Maybe it's that it's surroundings are so deserted it's easy to get lost within them, or maybe it's the company this stuffy little bar receives.
Whatever it is, I couldn't care less to know.

My thoughts are suddenly awoken by the door opening and closing. A lean man in a tan coat comes in, he has a look of youthfulness about him, also an air of recklessness that comes along with being young (of corse me of all people should all about know that).
He sits at the counter and orders a strawberry milkshake and a doughnut. Bad choice really, the only nice beverages here the coffees, and that's not me be being biased.
As the man looks around I mange to get a better look at him. Although his attire might be rather smart, his face shows the look of a man who hasn't slept in a while, or shaved for that matter.

He looks somewhat familiar.

His doughnut and milkshake arrive, and he leans in close to the young girl who served him, saying something I can't hear, the girl looks up at me and points.
Confused I go back to my doodles and coffee.

"Are you Sonya Reeves?" A clear, handsome voice asks.
I look up, and as I suspected it was the young man.
"Who wants to know?" I ask back.
"Daniel Michelson" he extended a hand, in which I ignore.
"You're a journalist are you not?"
He nods.

"What can I help you with?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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