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John woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. He had been living at the orphanage for about a month now, ever since his parents were killed in the war in Afghanistan. And he couldn't wait to leave. 

He got up to answer the door. It was the director of the orphanage, the man who took him in, Mr. Stephenson. 

"Time to get up, John! Were going to meet Mrs. Hudson today!" He forgot that that was today. Mrs. Hudson was the woman who was going to adopt him. As he began to register just what he was preparing for, doubts and worries began to fill his head.  'What if she doesn't like me?' 'What if she just returns me to the orphanage?' 

*A few hours later..*

As John and Mr. Stephenson stepped out of the black cab, his heart started racing in fear and anticipation. He began to worry again that she would not like him and just send him back. 

Mr. Stephenson knocked on the door, and an older lady answered the door. 

"Hello Mrs. Hudson. This is John," Mr. Stephenson said. "Oh how cute! Hello John!" "....Hello," John was barely able to squeak out.  

All of a sudden, a young boy, that looked about his age, popped out of nowhere and hid behind Mrs. Hudson. "Ah, Sherlock!" Mrs. Hudson said, "We have a new guest! Meet John!"

John stepped cautiously up to the strange new boy and said "Um.. hello, I'm Joh...."

"Afghanistan or Iraq?" Sherlock belted out before John was able to finish his sentence. John began to feel very sad and started to fight back tears. "Your parents, which war was it?" John could no longer hold it back, and tears started to rush down his face. "How in the world would you know that?" John was astonished that by just looking at him that he was able to know that. "The way you walk and carry yourself screams military kid, even without my superior observational skills," Sherlock said.

Tears kept rolling down Johns face. "Sherlock! Be nice!" Mrs. Hudson said, as Mr. Stephenson looked on. "It looks like this is going to be a great fit for John, thank you for taking him, Mrs. Hudson," Mr. Stephenson said.

And that's how it all began....

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