Chapter 2

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Molly explained to Sherlock and John what she knew about who stole her purse while she was walking down the street.

"He was a little taller than me, had black hair, and was wearing a plad button down shirt and blue jeans," she explained. "That sounds like Greg Lestrad!" John shouted, confused. "How do you know this , Lestrade character?" Sherlock asked. "We were on a soccer team together when I was younger."

Molly looked puzzled. "Isn't hood dad the deputy inspector? His dad is going to freak out when he heard this!" Sherlock sighed. "Just because his dad is a police officer does not mean he is a good person. he could be tired of hearing his dad's speeches."

"Well we still need to figure out where to find him and get your purse back!" John was excited and ready for action.

"Slow down there,"Sherlock said. "We need to figure out a smart way to handle this." "What do you consider smart?" John was confused. "We need to figure out where to find him and how to convince him to give the purse back."

A few seconds later,a figure stepped out of an alley. Molly gasped. "That's him! That's Lestrade!" Sherlock jumped around in excitement. "Forget smart! it's time for action! Let's get him!" Sherlock went running down the street. "Stay here Molly," John said before chasing Sherlock sheen the street.

Lestrade looked over his shoulder to see the two friends chasing after him. He looked down to see the purse still in his hand. Without thinking, he began to run, purse still in hand.

"Greg! Stop!" John was trying to train with the boy they were chasing. Sherlock was c confused. "Why are you cashing him Greg?" "Because that's his name!"

They chased him down main streets and side streets. They chased him down alleyways.

A few seconds later, Lestrade tripped and fell on a stick that someone threw onto the sidewalk. He tried to get back up to run away, but before he could, both Sherlock and John tackled him to the ground. "Give me that purse! You shouldn't steal things from girls!" John was still trying to reason with him. "Do you think I care? It might have money in it! I have to keep it!"

As they were bickering back and forth, Sherlock and John were suddenly jerked up by a strange hand. "Hey!"Sherlock turned around to see a police man standing there. Lestrade tried to run away, but it was no good. He, too, was grabbed by another police man. "Oh Greg, I'm sure your dad will love to hear about this! What in the world were you boys fighting about, anyway?"

"I'm glad your here, officer!"Sherlock said, while brushing shirt off of his shirt. He began to try to explain what happened, but he was interrupted by a very impatient police officer. "You know what? I don't care. We're going to the station." All of the boys were shocked. "But sure!" "No buts! Get in the car."

*A few minutes later*

Lestrade was trying to get the officer to let him go. "You know, Steve, I can get you those days off you want so bad to take that lovley wife of yours on a holiday.." "Oh shut up, Geoff,"Sherlock said. "It's nit going to work now of it didn't work earlier." "My name is Greg." "Well EXCUSE ME!" "Ok boys, that's enough," the officer finally chimed in. "Don't get yourselves info more trouble. And as far as your concerned, it's Officer Hudson." "Yes, sir." The boys then all crossed there arms in anger.

*At the station*

Lestrade had been in his father's office for at least 45 minutes, and his father had not stoped yelling, yet. "This is the THIRD TIME THIS WEEK and it's ONLY TUESDAY!" "I know father, but" "No buts. go home and wait for me to get there." Lestrade them came out, sulking like a scolded puppy.

His father out and motioned for John and Sherlock to come in. John looked at Sherlock in fear. "What happens now?" Sherlock smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder and walked into the office.

Two hours later, John and Sherlock were in Mrs Hudsons car, heads hung in shame. "I can't believe you pulled me away from work, FOR THIS! ESPECIALLY after I told you to stay out of trouble today." "But Mrs Hudson," "No buts! Until school starts back, you will be staying with the Moriarties house." Sherlock flung himself back in anger.

"who are the Moriarties?" John asked, confused. "Oh John, you will love them!" Mrs Hudson said. "They are the sweetest family ever." "Except for that weirdo, Jim. He won't leave me alone and keeps trying to do everything I do!" "Sherlock, I expect you to be nice." "But," "No buts."

John didn't know what to think, until they got to the Moriarties house, and Jim ran out of the house, wearing exactly the same outfit as Sherlock.

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