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Kellin's POV

"I always loved the beach as a kid," I spoke "Not that we ever went though. I remember going once with some distant relative and thinking it was the best day of my life."

"Well now we can spend a whole day here and come back whenever you want." Vic smiled, pecking me on the lips.

We walked hand in hand, the golden grains beneath my feet like silk. Eventually, we found the perfect spot and set down our towels.

"This is perfect" I sighed contently, breathing in the fresh sea air.

"I have something for us to do first, then we can come back and relax." Vic whispered into my ear.

"What is it?" I asked intrigued.

"How would you feel about surfing?" He asked.

I squealed and clapped my hands like a small child. "Yes! I'd love to!"

"Good job I'm a pro then." He smirked making me roll my eyes.

"How are you so good at everything?" I groaned.

"There's lots to do in San Diego and if you couldn't already tell, I'm a very adventurous person." He boasted.

"So, shall we go surfing?"


"Come on, you can do it! Just a little further!" Vic shouted as I slowly moved towards him.

Just as I thought I was going to get there, a big wave crashed into me, making me lose my footing and tumble back into the water.

I emerged out of the salty sea, coughing a little as I swallowed some.

"Back on Kells!" He yelled encouragingly.

"I can't do it!" I whined, feeling defeated.

"Yes you can! Come on! Surf to me!"

I inwardly rolled my eyes and clambered back up onto the board. I saw a wave approaching behind me so I started to paddle with my hands. Then, just as it reached me, I jumped up, riding the wave all the way into Vic's arms.

"I did it! I did it!" I cheered, my hands in the air.

Vic picked me up and twirled me round effortlessly before smashing our lips together.

"I'm so proud of you!"

His lips were parted and slightly chapped from the sea air. I tasted the salt and I smiled into the kiss.

"Come on then Mr Pro Surfer, let's see what you got." I challenged with a smirk.

I watched as he caught a huge wave, riding right through the middle like it was no big deal. My jaw dropped.

A few tricks and waves later, he surfed back in towards me.

"That was incredible!" I yelled, excited that I'd managed to bag a boyfriend with so much talent.

"I know." He replied smugly, making me nudge him softly.

We walked back to where our towels were situated and just sat down and relaxed in the sun. The warmth, beating down on my shoulders and making me feel all happy inside.

I looked down at my skin and then over to Vic, scowling slightly at how pasty and white I was compared to him.

"Fuck you for being so hot and tanned." I spat at him jokingly making him put a hand over his heart and act like he was offended.

"Well I'm sorry white boy, but it comes naturally. Maybe if you stay out here for long enough you'll look more like me." He snorted "However, by the way it's looking at the moment, you won't even be getting any copper tone tan lines."

I huffed and crossed my arms but to say I was happy, that would be an understatement.


The day passed pretty quickly and was filled with me and Vic laying about on the beach and marvelling at each other's natural beauty.

We sat back, huddled together in a blanket in front on the campfire we'd managed to assemble, telling ghost stories.

"-and they were never seen again." I finished, smirking at how good my story was.

"Think you can beat that?" I asked jokingly.

"On this very beach, 20 years ago," Vic began, really getting into the story.

"A young woman died. It's become a legend now. It's said that she put her two kids in the bath one evening but they weren't listening to anything she said. Eventually she snapped and drowned both of them in the bathtub. As soon as she realised what she had done, she couldn't stand to live anymore. She raced down to the beach and stood on that very cliff up there. The wind was howling and rain poured down, drenching her from head to foot. She'd killed her babies and she couldn't live knowing that. She threw herself off the cliff. She became victim to a violent wave, and died on the jagged rocks. It's said that to this day, she haunts that cliff, forever stuck on earth to pay for her menacing crimes."

"Yep, you win." I quickly squeaked, huddling closer towards Vic.

"Aww are you scared? Don't worry, I'll look after you." He spoke, chuckling a little.

We sat in silence for what seemed like hours, just cuddling by the warmth of the fire until Vic spoke up once more.

"At school, they always asked us where our home was. I didn't know my address when I was four and I felt stupid that I didn't know and the other kids did. They always told us that our home was where we lived. But as I grew up I started to understand that what they had been teaching me was wrong. Home isn't where you sleep at night. Home doesn't have to be a place. Home can be a person. For years, I've felt like I never had a home. I've felt, Bedless. I travel around so much and I never have enough time to find that special place. But now I have. Now, Kellin I feel like I have a home. I feel safe and loved. You're my home Kellin."

I looked up at him and he had tears running down his cheeks, identical to mine.

"I feel the same Vic. That shitty apartment, that was never my home. It was just I place I slept. My family, they were never my home. I'm so glad I met you Vic, you've changed my life."

"Move in with me."

"What?" I asked with my eyes wide.

"You heard me. Quit your job and leave Michigan. Come and live with me in San Diego. I have enough money for you to not need to work, but if you wanted to, there's plenty of places that would hire you. Please Kells, come with my and we can make my house our home. I can't lose you Kellin." He pleaded.

I didn't even have to think about it. My boss Agnes was so sure that she was doing all the work herself so I'm sure she can handle on her own. I wouldn't be sad to leave Michigan, I would be over the moon. I had a chance at a new life, a better life, a home.

"Yes Vic. Of course I'll move in with you." 


Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter?
Your comments mean the world to me and i have so much fun reading them! Thank you so much for that!

Things are moving on and this fic will be coming to an end soon *cries*

I think there will be about 3 more chapters :(

Also, i have to go back to school in like 2 days and I'm dying inside :(


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