Chapter 1

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Dear Jenna,                                                                                                                             July 16, 2013

It is so hard to believe that just yesterday I graduated from college. I am finally free to live my life. Especially with all of my college paid off. With going around the last couple weeks applying for many different teaching jobs I have finally got a phone call back. They said they could really use me, considering a good amounts of teachers are retiring. I start in just a couple of weeks, it is hard to hide my excitement and nervousness. Will I be good enough for these young children? I sure hope so. I haven't gotten any letters from Haiden since a couple of weeks ago. I sure hope he is safe. I miss him so much. Well, I have to go but I want to hear more about your life and what has been happening.

                                                                                                              Much Love,

                                                                                                                          Amy :)

Downstairs I leave the computer room to make myself a sandwhich. As soon as I am done I take a shower and climb into bed and notice the clock only says 6:32. Very exhausted I start to think about what the kids will think of me, and I wander into sleep.


I see Haiden standing in the middle of a field. Many surrounding him, all wearing the same uniform. Looking around, I notice the sky is very grim and dark. Thunder sounds in the sky with rain to follow. The rain so hard that within minutes the ground is nothing but mud. The men running through the mud carrying their weaponds running into another group of men with different costumes. Gun shots go off, all of this is a mess. Laying there behind a huge log, I listen to the sound of bullets as it soon gets softer. At that moment I look up, hear a gun shot, and boom! Haiden fell hard to the ground. Blood starting to surround him, and all I see is a lifeless body.


Next thing I know, I am sitting straight up in bed sweating. It's just a bad dream I tell myself, it is just a dream. The rest of that night I couldn't and was afraid to fall asleep.

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