Chapter 2

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"Hey Amy, are you sure you're okay? You have been sitting here staring at your laptop for a while."

"Yeah Melanie, I am fine. Just last night I had a horrible dream about Haiden. I was just hoping that I would have had an email from him. No such luck."

"Oh, I am so sorry. I hope everything turns out alright. Let me know alright? Would you like some more coffee. This is probably the last time to get your favorite because the owner is taking it off the menu as of tomorrow."

"Alright will do, and sure why not. Thank you."

When Melanie walks away to take care of the other customers I sit there staring at the list of emails. Hoping that one will pop up from Haiden any second now. Unfortunantely, I know that is very unlikely. I log out and put my laptop back in my backpack. When I am leaving the coffee shop I leave a very generous tip for Melanie.

When I step outside the sun greets me with its warmth. With it being so warm, I decided to walk everywhere I needed to go, considering this town is small. From where I am standing I can see Long Hill Elementary. Where I will be working in just a couple of weeks. I continue to take in the beauty of this small town admiring the beautiful flowers and the hills in the distance. This place is so beautiful that I begin to wonder why I ever left. I then walk into the small crowd of people and am on my way.

The next stop on my list is the post office. When I walk in I see there isn't very many people. They all must be at work. With being here for a couple of weeks already, I already have a box set up. I find my number, and as I am getting my mail, a woman with long black hair walks up.

"Oh I am sorry if I am in your way. I will be on my way in a second."

"Don't worry , you are all good. Mine is just to the left of yours." She pauses for a few seconds before she speaks again. "Hey, are you new here? This town is pretty small so I know pretty much everyone."

"Yes I am new to this town. I've only been here for about two weeks. My husband is in the military. So we move a lot. I just finished school online and i will start teaching at the elementary school in just a couple of weeks."

"Oh thats so cool. Sorry where are my manners, my name is Kaysha."

"I'm Amy. It is very nice to meet you. Well, I have more errands to run so I have to go. But I hope to see you around again."

"You too. Have a good rest of your day." As soon as she was finished, I walked out of the building and headed home. I felt kind of bad but today I didn't really feel like talking to really anybody.

When I walk in the door, I set my things down by the stairs, and throw my keys on the closest table. After eating a sandwhich, I sit down and go through the mail. No letters from Haiden so I decide to check my emails. There is an email from Jenna.

Dear Amy,

I am so happy to hear that things are going so well for you right now. I am sorry Haiden hasn't sent you anything. I am sure he will. Just give him some time. As for me, Janoah and I are getting married on July 27th. Which is a week from today. We know it is last minute but we would really love for you to attend. We plan on sending you plane tickets, so just let us know. My mom and dad died in a car crash about a month ago. They just left for a trip to visit family in Wisconsin, and half way there a semi truck driver turned a corner too fast and hit them head on. They were in the hospital a couple of days but didn't make it. It was hard on us but things are better now. I got the job I wanted about 3 months ago. In case you forgot, I get to create and make up the illustations of cartoon movie characters. It is so much fun. Well, I hope to hear from you soon!

Jenna ;)

I don't write back. Instead I close the laptop and set it on the coffee table, then lay down on the couch, and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2016 ⏰

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