Gender: (cringes as she prepares for punch, but will try to make it up my tagging people who generally make male OC's) Female
Sexuality: Homosexual 《Bisexual》
Class: Former Middle Class, Now Upper
Role: Flawed {Unflawed□ Flawed■}
Reason for Joining: Her parents, although they were in middle class knew people from the lower class. Reason for Joining: Her parents, although they were in middle class knew people from the lower class. Now that she is in the Upper class she has seen the disconnect between the classes. Her goal, she wants to unite everyone, even if that means death and war, she wants unity.
Freakishness: Alpha's mutation is a bit peculiar, for starters, she has two mutation. One, being that her eyes are a solid black, and two she has wings. They most resemble a dragonfly's. The wings themselves cab be tucked between her shoulder, so she can disguise them on a normal day. They shimmer a soft gray iredescent color. They do allow her to fly, but for only 5-6 hour periods. Any longer will over exaughst her, and will cause her to collapse. For any length of flight it takes about 1-1 and a half to recharge.
Opinion on the System: She accepts all monstrosities, she doesn't judge mostly because she is one so why would she. She was not raised in a community where people thought that it wasn't ok to have a Flaw.
Job:Technically she doesn't have a job, but bother her parents own and run a high-class resteraunt.
Personality: Very much like her name Alpha tends to be incharge. She doesn't like to be a follower, she hates it actually. Hate the feeling of not being in control, not meaning something. So, to keep this from dlhapoenomg she has become very assertive, not mean. Get what she what's when she wants it because she doesn't give up. On top of that she can be very kind towards those who she is close with, and can hold a grudge like nobodies business
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Streghths: Her ability to lead, power to fly, she's pretty strong because fitness is important to her. She knows many people from all different class types, she's has those connections. Tech savy.
Weaknesses/Fears: She's scared of closed spaces, someone targeting her family, she has dyslexia and doesn't know how to read either. Last but not least, she can not dies alone, this is like her ultimate fear.
Likes: Her mutations, her family, the outdoors, being alone (not all the time), computers
Dislikes: those who think people with Flaws are beneath them, lima beans, the indoors, school (she tends to ditch a lot)
Backstory: Alpha's family wasn't in the lower middle class. You would consider them, middle, middle class. As a middle, middle class family they never eeally struggled, her family owned a small mill on the outskirts of town, and Alpha lived at home a lot trying to avoid people because they tended to ridicule her because of her flaws. When she was about 15, a letter was sent to the mill stating that a distant relative, who had had not other family members, had passed away leaving a high class resteraunt in the hands of Alpha's parents. Not thrilled about the idea if moving, Alpha grudgingly picked up her things and moved with her family. Because of this move Alpha was forced to stay in her house most days never being able to leave, because if she did her Flaws would be ridiculed and mocked. She basically became a hermit. So in rebellion, and belief, she sought out the Flawed, and joined immediately. None of her Family members know of her joining.
Other: -wears contacts (of varying colors) when she goes out -has a sugar glider names Tom-Tom that is always with her -has a large birthmark running down the inner portion fo her left thigh