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*Skylar's POV*
Why is Hunter here ?!

"Cameron we need to leave.." I said

"Why?" Cameron asked. Hunter & I had made eye contact. He walked over to me.

"Hey guys!" He said & sat next to me. I went to get up & he wrapped his arm around me.

"Hunter let go" I said.

"So cameron how's it goin bro it's been awhile" he pulled me closer.

"bro get off of her" Cameron said getting mad.

"Cameron mind your business" Hunter said. I kept trying to pull away.

Cameron got up & pulled Hunter away from me. I got up & walked outside.. why does this have to happen to me..

*Hunter's POV*

"What is she doing here?" I whispered under my breath. I need to take her back .. I have to give her to that man.. or he will try to kill me..

I walked up to Cameron & Skylar .

"Hey guys" I said. I purposely sat next to Skylar. I grabbed her & she just kept squirming around.

"Hunter let go"

I kept trying to stall Cameron but it didn't work. He grabbed me & Skylar took off out the door.

"SKYLAR!!!" I yelled.

"Leave her alone !" He said.

"Cameron you don't understand" I said.

"Magcon starts in a week. If you can't change whatever has happened to you then don't even bother coming to any of the shows" he said & walked out.

Well.. ig I need to stop. For one. I want to meet my fans but I also need money..

How tf will k explain to erik about this..

I pulled my phone out & dialed eriks number.

{E- Erik H-Hunter}
E- you got my girl ?
H- about that..
E- oh no Hunter you're gonna disappoint me if you don't.
H- I don't understand why I have to do this.
E- shut up. Do you have my girl ?
H- what about after tour ?
E- pardon ?
H- what if I give you Skylar after tour?..
E- ugh.. immediately after tour , you hear !
H- okay..

{End of convo}

I hung up on him & rolled my eyes. I left the Starbucks & saw a couple fans.

"Can we get a picture !!"

*Skylar's POV*

Cameron took me to the mall to buy clothes for magcon. We were finally on our way back home. It was me, Blake, Aaron, Joey, & Cameron in the car.

We were just jamming to music since we were in LA, & Cameron wanted to go to Chino to visit his mom & sister.

We were just listening to music .. more like screaming out the songs that were playing. I just recorded the guys & posted it on SC. I was sitting in between Blake & Joey so it was just really funny.

Blake did his little Justin beiber hair flip.

"I wanna cut my hair" he said.

"Why you don't wanna be mini justin beiber no more ?" I giggled.

"I honestly don't even care anymore about that I just wanna cut it. I don't blame Justin when he cut his hair. With hair like this , it's always in the way" he said doing a hair flip.

"its cute tho" I said giggling.

"Well I'll look better when I cut it, but I'll wait to cut it" he said.

"Why?" Joey asked.

"Because the fans will wanna see me with my Justin beiber hair but after the Dallas show, I'll cut it" he said.

" that's stupid , but you do you" Joey said.

Blake shrugged his shoulders. & We pulled up to a house.

"We're here" Cameron said. We all got out and followed Cameron inside.

"MOM!! SIERRA!!" he yelled out.

"Cameron?!" I heard and heard footsteps.

"CAMERON!!!" the 2 lady's hugged him.

"Guys this is my mom, Gina. & My sister Sierra" he said.

"This is Joey, Blake, and Skylar" Aaron said.

"Nice to meet you" I said smiling.

"You're so pretty!!" Sierra said.

"Thank you" I said. I was all nervous & shy.

"Hi honey" Gina said shaking my hand.

"CHRIS" Cameron yelled seeing my cousin ?

"Aaron told me you were coming over so I had to come too bro" he said smiling at Cameron. They hugged & Cameron introduced him to all of us.

"This is Blake, Joey , and---"

"Skylar ?" Chris said.

"Heyyyyy" I said hugging him.

"Wait you guys know each other ?" Cameron said.

"Yeah she's one my little cousins" he said still hugging me.

"How are you ? I haven't seen you in forever " he said letting go of the hug.

"Eh I'm alright, I'm always home alone, yanno the usual " I said.

"Aunt Lorie & Uncle Steven still leave you alone ?" He asked really mad.

"Sadly yes" i said.

"What the frick sky why didn't you text me, I would've taken you to live here with me" he said.

"I've always switched houses between Blake & Hunter sometimes" I said

"Still sky were family"

"I know chris, but it's okay now, I'm going in tour" I said smiling.

"Does aunt Lorie know ?" He asked.

"Yeah, she doesn't want me doing it but I still am gonna do it" I said.

"Savage" Joey said making piece signs.

I giggled. We basically just stayed at Cameron's mom's house & just messed around the remainder of the day .

*Bing bing*

unknown number:
watch out I'm coming for you ;)

Hunter leave me alone..

unknown number:
this isn't hunter 😂 you know exactly who I am, well you will when we meet.. again :)


5 months later I update 😂 sorry guys , but I hope you enjoyed :)) ugh school is starting up in a couple weeks .

Qotd: what grade are you going into ?

A: 10th

I'll try to update soon guys :')

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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